Free Gifts

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Free Gifts by Mind Map: Free Gifts

1. Marketing

1.1. Seller Marketing

1.1.1. postcard Box

1.2. Tenant Buyer Marketing

1.2.1. postcard flyers Box

1.3. Cash Buyer Marketing

1.4. Private Lender Marketing

1.5. Joint Venture Partner Marketing

2. Midset

2.1. Mindset Wholesaling

2.2. Mindset Terms Deals

3. Agreements

3.1. Wholesaling

3.2. Rehabs

3.3. Option to Purchase

3.4. Lease w Option (LO)

3.4.1. LO When Buying

3.4.2. LO when Selling

3.5. Land Contract

3.6. Sub2

3.7. Land Trust

3.8. Assignment Foms

3.9. Agents Forms

3.10. Seller Carry

4. Team Building

4.1. CPA

4.2. Lawyer

4.3. Agent - Broker

4.4. Surveyor

4.5. General Contractor

5. Planning

5.1. Cash or Terms?

5.2. Marketing Budget

5.3. Websites