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Mobility by Mind Map: Mobility

1. Cinematography

1.1.  Camera movements in movies

1.1.1. Blow up

1.2. Mobility in the movie: immigration and mouvement

1.2.1. Example of the movie "Brooklyn"

1.3. Moving the studio

1.3.1. Case of Game of Thrones

2. Literature

2.1.  Traduction : mobility of the language

2.1.1. Writer and mobility

2.2.  Characters of literature moving: new life, danger, adventure... many meanings

2.2.1. The geographical experience in literature

2.3.  Book's mobility: capitalism, globalisation, creation, production...

2.3.1. "Mobility and multicultural literature creation", by Simpore

2.3.2. Amazon

3. Linguistics and Etymology

3.1.  The "first-language"

3.1.1.  Article ou vidéo avec explication 1 même mot dans plein de pays

3.2.  Mobility of men = language mobility

3.2.1. Latin dispersion in Europe and in the world

3.3.  English language = mobility

3.3.1. Necessity of English to be mobile - "Lingua politica"

4. Sociology

4.1.  Social mobility: Does the "social elevator" exist ?

4.1.1. Social Mobility explained

4.1.2. Why social mobility stopped

4.1.3. A "broken elevator" ?

4.2.  Moving out: a social act

4.2.1. Why move out of your parents' house ?

4.2.2. Gentrification: a video to explain what's at stake

4.3.  Social Movements : ex des révolutions : ou ex végétarianisme, féminisme

4.3.1. Ecology 1 2

4.3.2. Feminism

4.4. Mobility of populations and sharing knowledge

5. History

5.1.  History = mobility, movement of men

5.1.1. See Timemaps examples to see where men went throughout history

5.2.  Conquests in history: forced mobility, bevause of ideology, values, nationalism, and evolution through history

5.2.1. Example of conquest (out of many)

5.3.  What will stay about our history: digital mobility, new technologies allowing men not to move and have data go thrhough pipes and screens, intangible

5.3.1. Digital Mobility