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Mobility by Mind Map: Mobility

1. Litterature

1.1. few exemples

1.2. What is it ?

1.2.1. Merriam webster : the ability to change one's social or socioeconomic position in a community and especially to improve it J. Viard, éloge de la mobilité : main idea : towards a new model of living together - Eloge de la mobilité - Jean Viard - Livres

1.2.2. Oxford dictrionary : The ability to move or be moved freely and easily. P. Lannoy, La mobilité généralisée : formes et valeurs de la mobilité quotidienne

2. Art

2.1. What are its impacts on artists ? They need to be everywhere, and for this, they use transports : fly, car, bus...

2.1.1. Berthelet is the first independent player in transports in France to commit in a smart mobility solution with its new offer of autonomous electric shutters : clik !

2.1.2. Tournées d'artistes clés en main, Tourbus au départ de Lyon, Paris.

2.1.3. Mobility for artists : energetic transition

3. Geography

3.1. Rapport du Conseil général de l'environnement et du développement durable - 2015.

3.1.1. Aging of the population needs to be considered

3.1.2. Goals of geography mobility : to save the space, to preserve the natural spaces, to favor the compact city and the districts connected to the city by a good service in public transport and accessible on foot or by bike.

3.2. What are the different applications in our society ? "Se déplacer autrement dans le Grand Paris : pour une mobilité multimodale." La tribune.

3.2.1. "Sustainable mobility is a goal. But we must not neglect mobility accessible to all." Damien Desjonqueres, Vice President of the Inclusive Mobility Laboratory.

3.2.2. 20% of the working population has great difficulty in their daily mobility.

4. Sociology

4.1. Book : « La façon dont un homme peut s’élever dans la hiérarchie sociale et parvenir à la gloire, à la fortune, au pouvoir, est un des sujets les plus troublants pour le sociologue et des plus attirants pour le public. » Mobilité sociale par par D.Merllié et J.Prévot

4.1.1. Causes of mobility : Money, work, power, family...

4.1.2. Problems : Social inequalities

4.1.3. K. Marx didn't write about mobilty...

4.1.4. Consequences of mobility : For example, executives with upward mobility vote rather more left than those who are executive sons. (la mobilité sociale, p.106)

4.2. Article : "Les chances d'ascension sociale des personnes d'origine populaire varient du simple au double selon leur département de naissance, selon une étude de France Stratégie."

5. Biology

5.1. disappearance of wildlife

5.1.1. 2018 edition of the Living Planet report, published by the WWF : "Species have never declined at such a rapid rate, one hundred to one thousand times greater than that calculated during geological time. Between 1970 and 2014, vertebrate populations - fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles - dropped by 60% globally and by 89% in the Tropics, South America and Central America."

5.2. The futur : When the development of renewable energies harms animals

5.2.1. the rise of renewable energy sectors that could have negative impacts on biodiversity

5.2.2. "I want French society to give as much importance to the reconquest of biodiversity as it gives to the fight against climate change." Nicolas Hulot, 2017