Role of Video in Teaching Pronunciation to Kurdish EFL Students at Salahaddin University English ...

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Role of Video in Teaching Pronunciation to Kurdish EFL Students at Salahaddin University English departments by Mind Map: Role of Video in Teaching Pronunciation to Kurdish EFL Students at Salahaddin University English departments

1. Classroom

1.1. Teacher

1.1.1. Native Speaker

1.1.2. Non-native Speaker

1.2. Students

1.2.1. Urban Students International school Local school

1.2.2. Rural Students

2. Teaching videos

2.1. videos about consonantst and vowels

2.1.1. Students imitate native speaker teachers

2.1.2. Students can pronounce sounds in a better way

2.2. Videos about accents

2.2.1. students will familiar with accents of English

2.3. videos about intonation

2.3.1. students can communicate in better ways

2.4. Drills and exercises

3. Technological devices

3.1. Computer

3.2. Projector

3.3. Internet

3.4. others