Common Core State Standards English and Language Arts, September 26 In-service Reflections

reflections from 9-26-2011 district inservice

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Common Core State Standards English and Language Arts, September 26 In-service Reflections by Mind Map: Common Core State Standards English and Language Arts, September 26 In-service Reflections

1. We learned...

1.1. Structure

1.1.1. Organization of ELA standards

1.1.2. How to navigate the CCSS document

1.1.3. How to locate specific information

1.1.4. How to read and interpret CCSS

1.2. Specifics

1.2.1. Content strands

1.2.2. Grade Level Expectations

1.2.3. CCSS represents depth of content knowledge not width of curriculum

2. We're still wondering...

2.1. How does CCSS get incorporated into our daily classroom activities?

2.2. What is the timeline for SDSM implementation?

2.3. Will we be addressing each CCSS at each grade level?

2.4. When willl we be digging deeper into CCSS?

3. We were wondering...

3.1. Timeline

3.1.1. Content Area Standards Completion

3.1.2. Implementation within SDSM

3.2. Alignment

3.2.1. District Curriculum Instructional Units Current Assessents Report Cards SDSM Benchmarks BYOC

3.2.2. State WKCE