Computer Arithmetic

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Computer Arithmetic by Mind Map: Computer Arithmetic

1. Hardware

1.1. Adders

1.1.1. Half-adder

1.1.2. Bit Serial adder

1.1.3. Ripple Carry adder

1.1.4. Full adder

1.2. Subtractors

1.2.1. As in Adders

1.3. Multipliers

1.3.1. Partial Product bit-matrix

1.3.2. High-radix Multipliers

1.3.3. Fast Multipliers

1.4. Dividers

1.4.1. Quotient Digit

1.4.2. Partial Remainder

1.4.3. High-radix Dividers

1.4.4. Array Dividers

1.5. Square-rooters

1.6. Function Evaluators

1.6.1. Synchronous Counters

1.6.2. Up-counters

1.6.3. Down-counters

2. Numbers

2.1. Digit Sets and Encoding

2.1.1. BCD

2.1.2. ASCII

2.1.3. Biased Representation (Signed nos)

2.2. Types

2.2.1. signed Integers Reals

2.2.2. Unsigned Whole Numbers

2.3. Representation

2.3.1. Unary code

2.3.2. radix-10

2.3.3. radix-2

2.3.4. Roman numerals

2.3.5. Other radices radix-60 radix-16 radix-8

2.4. Floating-point numbers

2.4.1. IEEE 754 Standard sign exponent Mantissa

2.4.2. 32-bit

2.4.3. 64-bit

2.5. Fixed-point numbers

3. Aspects

3.1. Hardware

3.2. Software

4. Software

4.1. Complexity

4.2. Error Characteristics

4.2.1. Computational Error

4.2.2. Representation Error

4.2.3. Catastrophic Cancellation

4.3. Stability

4.4. Computer Algorithm Certifiability

4.4.1. Interval Arithmetic