Genetics and Selection

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Genetics and Selection by Mind Map: Genetics and Selection

1. interaction of environment/lifestyle and genes

1.1. genetic disease

1.2. survival

1.2.1. natural selection reproductive success as a driving force of evolution from mutations

1.2.2. adaptations Darwin's finches

1.2.3. selective breeding

2. basics/vocabulary

2.1. genes

2.2. chromosomes

2.3. DNA

2.3.1. double helix

2.3.2. nucleotides/nitrogenous bases

3. types of reproduction

3.1. sexual

3.1.1. fertilization

3.1.2. meiosis

3.2. asexual

3.2.1. budding

3.2.2. cloning

3.2.3. mitosis

4. heredity

4.1. punnett squares

4.2. pedigree analysis

4.2.1. purebred vs hybrid

4.3. Mendel

4.3.1. pea plant experiments

4.3.2. history of what he did

4.4. genotypes

4.4.1. heterozygous

4.4.2. homozygous

4.4.3. alleles

4.4.4. recessive

4.4.5. dominant

4.5. phenotype

4.5.1. traits