Principles of entrepreneurship

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Principles of entrepreneurship by Mind Map: Principles of entrepreneurship

1. Wait for opportunity instead of mirages

1.1. Create opportunity

1.2. Seize the moment

1.3. Fish the rods when the water is saturated

2. To be self actualizing visionaries

2.1. Heed the inner voice

2.2. Create jobs and opportunities for others

2.3. To be conscious of societal prosperity due to the venture

2.4. To make a difference to the world

3. Execution and delivery

3.1. To walk the talk and deliver the promises

3.2. To know the art of execution

3.3. Not to have a gap between idea and execution

3.4. Turn the adversity into triumph

3.5. Transform the failure into the stepping stone

4. Invest in people and build a successful team

4.1. People with the same vision and mission

4.2. People with drive focus and loyalty

5. It should not be a goal to make money fast

5.1. To test the water before launching the venture

5.2. try new business models

5.3. Not to be in a hurry to make profit

5.4. To be in a game for long haul