by Mckenzie Guinn
1. Extinction: The process by which the association between the unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus is broken
2. law of effect: consequences of a behavior increase or decrease the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated
3. operant behavior: a form of learning in which responses can be altered by consequences
4. latent learning: learning that occurs without apparent reinforcement and is not displayed until reinforcement is provided
5. Punishment: decreases frequency of an act
5.1. Positive Punishment: adding an unpleasant stimulus
5.2. example: yelling at your child
5.3. Negative Punishment: taking away a desired stimulus
5.4. Example: taking away car keys
6. Classical Conditioning
6.1. Ivan Pavlov- Dogs experiment
6.2. Unconditioned response: Salivation
6.3. Unconditioned stimulus: Food
6.4. Conditioned Stimulus: ringing the bell
6.5. Conditioned response: salivation
7. Acquistion: the initial phase of learning something.
7.1. things that influence the strength
7.2. Frequency Pairings
7.3. Timing
7.4. intensity of uncontrolled substance
8. discriminative stimulus: indicates that reinforcement is available if a desirable behavior is performed
9. Reinforcement: any internal or external event that increases the frequency of a behavior.
9.1. Primary: Not learned, innate and satisfy biological needs, food, water, and sex
9.2. Secondary: learned by association, money, grades, or approval
9.3. Positive Punishment: adding reward
9.4. Example: money for good grades
9.5. Negative punishment: removing an unpleasant stimulant
9.6. Example:doing dishes to avoid nagging