Philosophy in Film

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Philosophy in Film by Mind Map: Philosophy in Film

1. "Waking Life"

1.1. Identity

1.2. Free Will

1.3. Reality

2. "Fight Club"

2.1. Unreliable Narrator

2.2. Identity

2.3. Consumerism

3. "Perfect Blue"

3.1. Identity

3.2. Reality

4. "Paprika"

4.1. Reailty

4.2. Identity

5. "Blade Runner"

5.1. Mind/Body

5.2. Being

5.3. AI

6. "Memento"

6.1. Perception

6.2. Unreliable Narrator

6.3. Memory

7. "1984"

7.1. Totalitarianism

7.2. Technicism

7.3. Existence

7.4. Language

8. "Videodrome"

8.1. Medium as the Message

9. "Rashōmon"

9.1. Morality

9.2. Truth

10. "Gattaca"

10.1. Eugenics

11. "Mulholland Drive" - Reality, Identity

11.1. Reality

11.2. Identity