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Smartphones by Mind Map: Smartphones

1. Smartphone Operating Systems

1.1. iOS/ iPhone

1.1.1. Pros: It's Smaller Than You Realize and it's Got Style to Spare At a thickness of only 0.46 inches (11.6mm), the iPhone is actually thinner than the Q (at 12mm), Siri voice

1.1.2. Cons: Some analysts have suggested that chat software puts an unnecessary drain on cell phones.

1.2. Android

1.2.1. Pros: The Samsung Galaxy S II has a much nicer feel to it and is very nice. Also The Galaxy S II is also one of the phones that is most universally available worldwide. Its designed to let you type with just one thumb and I can go faster now than predictive text keyboards...and to make it more fun, that one of my reason. other reason i person love this is because

1.2.2. Cons: feels dated, regardless of launcher you can't get the same level of fluidity you can on other operating systems, malware in the marketplace, feels like using winmo 5 again.

1.3. Windows 7 Mobile

1.3.1. Pros: One of the biggest vulnerability points for Windows environments has been Internet Explorer IE8 running on Win 7 takes security and overall browser usability to the next level

1.3.2. Cons: Security stuff gets complicated very quickly. Security stuff gets complicated very quickly.

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