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Gaming by Mind Map: Gaming

1. Playstation 3

1.1. Pros

1.1.1. Excellent Blu-ray disc player

1.1.2. Good graphics

1.2. Cons

1.2.1. Weak online gaming network

1.2.2. No backward compatibility for PS2 games

2. Xbox 360

2.1. Pros

2.1.1. Excellent online gaming

2.1.2. Extensive game collection

2.2. Cons

2.2.1. No Blu-ray

2.2.2. No Bluetooth

3. Wii

3.1. Pros

3.1.1. Plays old Nintendo games

3.1.2. Motion detection game controllers

3.2. Cons

3.2.1. Online gaming is cumbersome

3.2.2. No CD or DVD playback

4. Sources for Xbox, Wii and Playstation 3 ( )