TEDxRotterdam2011 Max Westerman - host

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TEDxRotterdam2011 Max Westerman - host by Mind Map: TEDxRotterdam2011 Max Westerman - host

1. Leading journalist

1.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site

1.2. www.maxwesterman.nl

2. intro

2.1. ted

2.1.1. honour te be invited

2.1.2. presentation watched by millions

2.1.3. due to internet ted became global

2.1.4. world wide participation

2.2. 1000s local TEDx events

2.3. audience

2.3.1. world wide students

2.3.2. students

2.3.3. idea of isis Spuijbroek

3. Isis

3.1. future leadership

3.2. we need leadership

3.3. ideas

3.4. inspire YOU

3.5. what will teh future be

3.6. program CEO for 1 day

3.6.1. companies lead by students

3.6.2. goal: guide companies to the future

3.7. YOU will lead the future

4. Max

4.1. checking in with Young Professionals

4.2. sort thru social issues

4.3. Eneco compensaties for all the energy usage

5. socialmedia

5.1. #TEDxRdam