How can you easily get the meaning of a word?

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How can you easily get the meaning of a word? by Mind Map: How can you easily get the meaning of a word?

1. Function of a word in a sentence

1.1. If you understand the function of a word in a sentence, you can provide a synonym for it

1.1.1. Synonyms are words with similar meaning or expression

1.2. From the function of a word in a sentence and its context you can guess a meaning for it

2. Recognizing affixes

2.1. The prefixes are roots which tell us about their origin

2.1.1. The prefixes precede the root words

2.1.2. They determine the function of the word

2.2. The suffixes go after the root word

2.2.1. The suffixes can Convert nouns into adjectives -Ive Describe how the action is done -Ly