1. Luton Borough Council Building Control Surveying Technician
1.1. Duties
1.1.1. examining and commenting on plans for new buildings alterations or extensions
1.1.2. overseeing the work commencing and finalisation
1.1.3. providing contractors/client with supportive management.
1.1.4. providing advice about construction safety matters and new building regulations.
1.2. Responsibilies
1.2.1. grant approval for work to commence
1.2.2. carry out regular inspections of the building and building methods while works are being completed
1.2.3. inspect and test foundations and drainage works
1.2.4. take samples of new building materials and assess their suitability
1.2.5. keep records of the visits made to site and write reports
1.2.6. issue completion certificates when the work has been carried out satisfactorily
1.2.7. liaise and communicate with members of the public, councillors, construction professionals and statutory bodies, e.g. highways, planning and environmental health departments
1.2.8. liaise with special interest groups such as historic building conservation officers and national heritage organisations, e.g. the National Trust, English Heritage, Historic Scotland and Cadw
1.2.9. calculate the fee to be charged to the client
1.2.10. keep up to date with current regulations and legislation
1.2.11. prosecute builders if non-compliance has occurred, although this is a last resort
1.2.12. approve demolitions and carry out surveys of potentially dangerous buildings - you may occasionally have responsibility for this if you work in local government.
1.3. Luton Bourough Council
1.3.1. Town and Planning Act 1947 The Town and Country Planning Act 1947 was an important piece of British legislation that introduced the basis for much of the contemporary planning system. It was intended as a response to the post-Second World War need for large-scale rebuilding and planning of towns and cities, as well as to help reorganise industry (Town and Country Planning Act - Designing Buildings Wiki. 2018) Information from The Luton Bourough council is helpful to our role to acquire land information such as:
1.3.2. The Equality Act 2010 The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. (GOV.UK. 2018. Equality Act 2010: guidance) This Law is in place to ensure that the workplace is a friendly environment which free from radical discrimination such as Racism and Sex orientated reasoning When working with the general public all employees must not participate in physical or verbal discrimination.
1.3.3. Environmental Protection Act 1990 The Environmental Protection Act 1990 is about the structure and authority for waste management and the control of emissions and strengthens controls and enforcement, with stricter penalties. Prior to the implementation of the Act, separate environmental regulations had been in place for air, water and land pollution. The 1990 Act introduced an integrated scheme to achieve the ‘best practicable environmental options’ as well as providing a public right of access to information. Luton Borough Council will be obligated to inform us of any hazardous or dangerous sites where the environment may be contaminated. Records and Health measure must be taken to appropriate measures Information and changes of Household emissions and Emission relative to Factories and other industrial building
1.4. Approved Documents A-R
1.4.1. The 'approved documents' provide guidance for how the building regulations can be satisfied in common building situations. They are given legal status by the Building Act 1984. There is no obligation to adopt the solutions presented in the approved documents. The building regulations can be satisfied in other ways. The Building Control Surveyor must make sure that plans are check are to the Building Regulations or advised by the guidance of the Approved Documents A-R before issuing an approval or conditional approval. This is intend on making sure the structure or dwelling for its purpose of use is safe fot the general public and user of the dwelling. Once the structure is complete a final inspection will finalise the job. (Approved documents - Designing Buildings Wiki. 2018) Approved document contains guidance on: Fire safety Site preparation and resistance to contaminants and moisture Toxic substances Resistance to the passage of sound F: Ventilation Sanitation, hot water safety and water efficiency Drainage and waste disposal Heat producing appliances and Fuel storage system Structure etc..
1.5. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
1.5.1. Secondary legislation used for the control of hazardous substances. This is to ensure the handing, use and methodology is safe for the surrounding general public. (workshop 1) The Building Control surveyor will need to check the site storage for leaking or any harmful hazards relating to the COSHH
2. Primary Legislation
2.1. Primary legislation is the general term used to describe the main laws passed by the legislative bodies of the UK, including the UK Parliament. For example an Act of Parliament. (UK Parliament. 2018. Primary legislation - Glossary page)
2.1.1. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA) The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA)is responsible for enforcing the Act and a number of other Acts and Statutory Instruments relevant to the working environment. (Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974) Employer Employee
2.1.2. The Building Act 1984 An Act to consolidate certain enactments concerning building and buildings and related matters. (Building Act 1984. 2018. Building Act 1984) According to The Building Act 1984 The power is given to 'The Secretary of State' whom may, for any of the purposes of the following make regulations for: The design and construction of buildings; The demolition of buildings; Services, fittings and equipment provided in or in connection with buildings.
3. Secondary Legislation
3.1. Secondary legislation is law created by ministers (or other bodies) under powers given to them by an Act of Parliament. (UK Parliament. 2018. What is Secondary Legislation? - UK Parliament)
3.1.1. The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 The CDM 2015 is designed to improved more effective health and safety practices in the construction industry this can be done by (Construction - Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015.) Training all people in the construction role about the risks, duties and responsibilities Improving the skills and knowledge of all construction worker by introducing training and further educational study Notify HSE if worked proposed is to of a large scale Contractors apply appropriate supervision instruction and information A written construction plan
3.1.2. The Building Regulations 2010 The Secondary legislation gives guidance from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to determine: What qualifies as ‘building work’ and so falls under the control of the regulations. What types of buildings are exempt (such as temporary buildings). The notification procedures that must be followed when starting, carrying out, and completing building work. Requirements for specific aspects of building design and construction.