segmented market

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segmented market by Mind Map: segmented market

1. major segmentation strategies

1.1. concentration strategy

1.1.1. advantage

1.1.2. disadvantage

1.2. multisegment strategy

1.2.1. advantage

1.2.2. disadvantage

2. basic approaches to segmenting organizational markets

2.1. types of customers

2.2. Standard Industrial Classification

2.3. end use

2.4. common buying factors

2.5. buyer size and geography

3. Single-Base Multi-Base Segmentation

3.1. singe-base

3.2. multi-base

4. definition

4.1. premise

4.2. twofold process

5. Bases for Segmenting Markets

5.1. Consumer Markets

5.1.1. Geographic Segments

5.1.2. Demographic Segments

5.1.3. Usage Segments purchase occasion user status loyalty stage of readiness

5.1.4. Psychological Segments

5.2. Industrial Markets

6. Type of Customer

6.1. OEMs

6.2. End users

6.3. Aftermarket customers

7. industrial products

8. Common Buying Factors

8.1. product performance

8.2. product quality

8.3. service

8.4. delivery

8.5. price

9. five criteria to gauge the relative worth of a market segment

9.1. Clarity identification

9.2. Actual or potential need

9.3. Effective demand

9.4. Economic accessibility

9.5. Positive response

10. selecting a target market

10.1. Recognize variables other than core variables

10.2. Collect and analyze related data

10.3. Apply criteria of a good segment.

10.4. Select more segments as target markets

10.5. Take action to reach the target market