Eugene Harris. 65 year old male presenting with liver cirrhosis.

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Eugene Harris. 65 year old male presenting with liver cirrhosis. by Mind Map: Eugene Harris. 65 year old male presenting with liver cirrhosis.

1. Nutrition

1.1. alcohol consumption

1.1.1. chronic gastritis

1.2. iron buildup

1.3. loss of appetite

1.3.1. malnutrition

1.3.2. weight loss

1.3.3. poor nutrition impaired skin integrity

1.4. nausea

1.5. factors effecting intake and output

1.5.1. nausea

1.5.2. decreased GI motility

1.5.3. finanance

1.5.4. age

2. Noticing-dietary intake, skin integrity, change in weight, edema, jaundice

3. Interpreting- poor nutritional intake,

4. Responding- refer client to dietitian, focus on dietary intake, discuss balance diet, nutritional supplements, high protein diet, small frequent meals

5. Experience of pain

5.1. signs and symptoms

5.1.1. abdominal discomfort

5.1.2. itchy skin

5.1.3. nausea

5.2. complications

5.2.1. edema in peripheries and abdomen

5.2.2. infection

5.3. emotional and psychological pain

5.3.1. past experiences

5.4. pain management

5.4.1. severity

5.5. chronic

5.5.1. severity

5.6. factors influencing

5.6.1. perception

5.6.2. gender

5.6.3. knowledge, attitudes, beliefs

5.7. response to medications

6. Noticing- pain discomfort and affects of disease on patient,

7. Interpreting- client is in pain, what is causing patient distress, mood, is the pain effecting every day life, severity of the pain

8. Responding- medications and patient teaching on them, reduce risk of injury, monitor and manage for complications, check stools for blood, emotional support

9. Quality of life

9.1. lifestyle

9.1.1. avoidance of alcohol

9.1.2. exercise

9.1.3. increased nutritional intake

9.2. relationships

9.2.1. family and friends

9.2.2. damaged relationships

9.3. healthcare visits

9.4. self worth

9.4.1. avoidance of alcohol

9.5. living with a chronic disease

10. Noticing- relationships with family, friends and coworkers, emotional status

11. Interpreting- finding meaning in life, looking to improve health status

12. Responding- providing emotional support, educating and preparing client for home care, gets self goals, refer to alcohols anonymous, provide reinforcements to patient and family, encourage rest and change in lifestyle

13. Experience of illness

13.1. chronic liver disease

13.1.1. signs and symptoms disturbance of ADLs

13.1.2. impact on individuals and loved ones

13.1.3. complications can cause blood flow problems blood may need to find different routes and these can rupture as a result of pressure potential to lead to liver failure or death

13.1.4. bleeding and hemorrhage, fluid volume excess, hepatic encephalopathy

13.2. circumstances prior to diagnosis

13.2.1. alcoholic

13.2.2. depression disturbance of ADLs

13.3. mental status

13.4. resiliency

13.4.1. role of family

13.4.2. self actualization

14. Interpreting- Get a history of precipitating factors

15. Noticing- Note abdominal distension and bloating, GI bleeding, bruising and weight changes

16. Responding- medications, diet, helping maintain healthy weight, educate on reducing risk of hepatitis and drinking alcohol, assess psychological status

17. Mobility

17.1. activity intolerance

17.1.1. fatigue

17.1.2. muscle wasting

17.1.3. discomfort

17.2. rest required

17.3. complications

17.3.1. respiratory

17.3.2. circulatory -DVT

17.3.3. GI

18. Responding-getting goals such as independence in activities, decreased potential for injury, position bed for maximal respiratory efficiency, prevent circulatory and vascular disturbances, encourage gradual activity

19. Noticing-Fatigue, immobility, activity intolerance, discomfort with mobility

20. Interpreting- affect of the respiratory, circulatory, integumentary and GI systems, psychological effect

21. Infection and Healing

21.1. management

21.2. immunological status compromised

21.2.1. impaired skin integrity

21.3. clotting mechanisms

21.3.1. risk for injury

21.4. effects of healing

21.4.1. immune system

21.4.2. nutritional intake

21.4.3. stress and sleep

21.4.4. medications

21.4.5. age and lifestyle

22. Noticing- impaired skin integrity, WBC

23. Interpreting-infection

24. Responding-medications, lifestyle change, environment