This semester

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This semester by Mind Map: This semester

1. Creative programming

1.1. Lecture

1.1.1. Good to watch online

1.1.2. sometimes useful

1.2. Workshop

1.2.1. very handy

1.2.2. helping eachother

1.2.3. asking questions

1.3. Self study

1.3.1. important part to learn coding

2. user centerd design

2.1. Sort of lecture

2.1.1. To long

2.1.2. not efficent

2.1.3. the quiz is important

2.2. Group sessions

2.2.1. havent had one yes

2.3. self study & reading

2.3.1. a lot of reading

2.3.2. very usefull

3. Phisics

3.1. Online lecture

3.1.1. fine

3.2. tutor sessions

3.2.1. very usefull!

3.2.2. nice to get hands-on

3.3. self study

4. Calculus

4.1. lecture

4.1.1. Very boring

4.1.2. very long

4.1.3. very innefficent

4.2. Homework

4.2.1. weekly test Important to score higher good practice

4.2.2. just doing

4.3. Tutorsession

4.3.1. Very inefficent

4.3.2. good to talk with other students about calculus

4.3.3. helping eachother

5. From idea to design

5.1. Lecture

5.1.1. nice

5.1.2. learned a lot

5.2. Group sessions

5.2.1. very effective

5.2.2. Nice to work together

5.3. Exabition

5.3.1. Nice to show what you have to all the time in

6. Organization, Stragegy & Innovation

6.1. Lecture

6.1.1. Bit to interactive

6.1.2. useful

6.2. Group sessions

6.2.1. Usefull

6.2.2. Good way to learn a organasation structure

7. Learning points

7.1. Organization, Stragegy & Innovation

7.1.1. Important to keep up with the reading material

7.2. Phisics

7.2.1. Keep making extercises

7.2.2. keep attending the lecture

7.3. user centerd design

7.3.1. Don't put your focus there

7.3.2. make the lecture efficent do other task in the meantime

7.4. Creative programming

7.4.1. Keep working then you will understand it

7.5. from idea to design

7.5.1. Keep eye on the details

7.6. Calculus

7.6.1. make the material!!!

7.6.2. watch more youtube video's to understand it

7.6.3. don't think you will to it tomorrow

7.6.4. Write the good date of the test in your agenda

7.6.5. don't do it at the last moment