Reception to Morrison's Song of Solomon

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Reception to Morrison's Song of Solomon by Mind Map: Reception to Morrison's Song of Solomon

1. New York Time 1977

1.1. Written by Reynolds Price

1.2. Compared to her first two novels, this one was the longest and densest, with the most lyrical and poetic writing.

1.3. Talks about how the plot is bizarre and absurd but beautifully woven together to tell the story of transcendence through tragedy. Focuses on Milkman's journey from capitalistic greed to pursuit of family history.

2. LA Times 2004

2.1. Written by Laila Lalami

2.2. Labels this the greatest American novel because it deals with the messiness of America's history and how it blurs fiction with actual history.

2.3. This novel places significance on stories that are not always written down but passed to us through folktales, songs, and barbershop gossip.

3. American Library Association

3.1. Song of Solomon placed on list of books banned and/or challenged by schools in Columbus, Ohio

3.2. Schools and education professionals claim the book has language that degraded black people and sexually explicit scenes.

3.3. Removed from reading lists in Richmond County, GA, (1994), in St. Johns County School in Augustine Florida in 1995, in St. Mary's County in Md, in 1998

3.3.1. Covered by local news reporter Rich Van Wyk on channel 13 in Indianapolis

3.3.2. Indianapolis school Franklin Central originally banned the book, however later returned it to the curriculum.

3.3.3. Parents complained of the violence, sexual scenes, and profanity within the book. Superintendent responded saying despite how uncomfortable the book makes adults, reading it is what's best for students.

4. Melvin Dixon 1978 "If You Surrender to the Air" (JSTOR)

4.1. Originally published by John's Hopkins University Press

4.2. Praises Morrison's ability to capture the truth and cruelty of discovering family history, names, and their meanings.

4.3. States that her language allows the recreation of the self after discovery, nightmares, and trauma.