COMM391 Section 103 Phase 5

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COMM391 Section 103 Phase 5 por Mind Map: COMM391 Section 103 Phase 5

1. cloud computing

1.1. provide current and relevant information to suppliers, and even customers, regarding availability of our products

1.1.1. improves efficiency and thus decreases costs

1.2. inventory control: sharing points of sales with suppliers, which predicts future sales

2. Group 311

2.1. CRM

2.1.1. strengths customer database gathering information on our cutomers and their past activities regarding their preferences, purchases points card behaviour prediction: tracks what customers are purchasing, along with their demographic - helping decide what is being purchased helps decide what is in high demand, and what needs to be supplied sales force automation (SFA) automates the tasks performed by sales people: tracks all contact that has been made with a given customer, the purpose of the contact, and any follow up that may be needed helps maintain customer relationship; also ensures that sales efforts are not duplicated cloud computing improves efficiency by having all information in one database New node

2.1.2. weakness hard to keep up-to-date information has some security concerns o protecting customer information

3. Identify a specific information technology for supporting your company's core business operations (not TPS, MIS, etc.). What are the strengths and weaknesses of this technology?

4. Group 312

4.1. Customer Interface Management.

4.1.1. Provides information to business about the type of customer (be it expectations or requirements) and information about business to customers (products/services offered)

4.1.2. Good to maintain constant management of customer-business relationship to keep customers up-to-date with scheduling, staffing, payments... etc

4.1.3. Makes it easier to identify problems

4.2. CRM

4.2.1. customer data past/current/new customer info personal info (mailing address, costs/dates of past moves) can be used to repeat customers

4.2.2. Strengths Minimizes costs, maximizes efficiency New node Good to increase customer awareness

4.2.3. Weaknesses A lot of work to keep up to date. Hard to ensure security of customer data Can be difficult to understand all the complex data without a trained user.

5. Group 314

5.1. Analytical CRM

5.1.1. Sugar CRM for Cloud/Social CRM Strengths: This tool allows Database Integration and Management which allows us to either update our database externally or manage it through the tool. It also manages all Social Media/Network involvement through one system which allows us to filter out or mine for data through modified applications. SugarCRM although Open source allows for an Enterprise option which includes a variety of tools which can be used to modify the interface itself and the programming; meaning we can make our own applications for our system, linking it to external data sources.. Through SugarCRM we can basically browse through client profiles from our basic company profile database and social interaction/media/network database combined, meaning we gain more information at an efficient rate. Not to mention this gives us the ability to use Sugar CRM for Analytical purposes, for instance to figure out % of clients a high risk/high yield or low risk/standard returns, giving us a better means to deliver user specific messages. Being open source and adaptable to different types of CRM and different modes of application use [PC/Mac/Mobile through iPhone or Android], we are able to manage costs by using a system tool that is versatile. Also, we will be integrating this system with the tools below so we can use them to not only show calculations to clients, but to use these tools to the specific needs of each client. Weakness: This type of management is very technology reliant, meaning if for some reason there is a major hardware problem the firm would end up working at snail pace compared to having the tools available to us. SugarCRM is Open Source, meaning other companies can use it AND edit it as well. However, this can be countered by a strength we posted which is we can tailor it to our firm's advantage, because we have the database management tools that we need in place; we just need to integrate.

5.2. Financial Tools

5.2.1. Model ETF Portfolios A smarter, cheaper, more efficient way for investors to build wealth it allows people to invest with minimal risk because the model plots out what investors should invest during a particular time in the economy. helps the company map out to customers which EFTs are effective during a bear or bull market, which in turn will decrease risk since ETFs by nature hold a smaller risk level than stocks

5.2.2. Stock Screener Strengths - Allows us to have a exclusive look at how a market is doing and which investments are doing well and stable

6. Group 315

6.1. RFID tag

6.1.1. Strengths Identify patients quickly and efficiently Allows clinic to know how many patients are in the clinic at one time Both staff and patients in the clinic can be tracked If doctor is needed immediately receptionist can track where each doctor is and from that determine whether they are available Know where equipment is when needed Track number of doctors scheduled to work and number of patients requesting a visit - match supply and demand

6.1.2. Weaknesses Useless once damaged Doesn't neccessarily enhance customer relationship simply a tool to keep track of people and equipment

6.2. ID Card

6.2.1. Strengths Allows receptionist to quickly pull up patient information which links to any updates in their condition Easily update and monitor progress of patient, keeping detailed notes accessible to doctors and therapists within the clinic Doctors can use the ID card to pull up patient information in clinic rooms rather than leaving to go get a paper file Arrange appointments by referencing scheduled doctors each day and set constraints on available sessions

6.2.2. Weaknesses If lost someone could find it and have access to patient profiles Need to have another way to access patient information so that if they forget their card or lose it there profile can still be accessed - ask security questions

6.3. Wireless Technology

6.3.1. Make clinic paperless Strengths Information accessed easily and efficiently Patient information can be pulled up anywhere in the clinic Removes risk of misplacing or ruining patient files and important paper documents Weaknesses Privacy issues - System would have to be extremely secure so that it is unable to be hacked Bug in the software or system failure would result in the clinic having to shut down operations

7. Group 316

7.1. CRM

7.1.1. Our company offers a differentiated service that customers value, if we do not receive feedback about whether they value this service or not then we are just wasting our money

7.1.2. Inbound touchpoints web surveys email

7.1.3. Outbound touchpoints direct mail to residents of Vancouver

7.1.4. Strengths: will inform us if our company is on the right track with a differentiated product or should switch to a lower cost model to attract customers, find out what service is more popular (storage, moving or junk removal) and increase pricing

7.1.5. Weaknesses: costs, most people don't respond to surveys unless there's an incentive, small company that has a limited customer base to draw assumptions from

7.1.6. Customer data organizes customers based on age targeting seniors most popular services Junk removal Storage Moving

7.2. Ecommerce (website)

7.2.1. can offer an online booking service shows available days and lets you choose a specific mover Can pay online (Paypal)

7.2.2. Strengths: could attract a new market

7.2.3. Weaknesses: will our target market use it? (55+ Vancouverites)

7.3. Cloud computing

7.3.1. Store and process data Strength:Easy to view trends and weak areas, can get rid of paper system (which is currently inefficient) Weakness: as a small start up company will we have that much information that we will need this software?

7.4. Cellphones

7.4.1. Strengths: more efficient than landlines, allows customer to book whenever when the manger is wherever (whether helping move or in the office), allows truck drivers to keep in contact with the office on their progress (especially if we don't use GPS it is a cheaper alternative) Could get good deal on a business or group plan

7.4.2. Weaknesses: employees could abuse service

7.5. GPS System

7.5.1. Can track movers See if they are on track Able to see if they are using the car for moving or unproductive reasons and costing the company money

7.5.2. Can inform customers what stage their move is in

7.5.3. Strengths: provides accurate information to customers and cuts down on inefficient movers

7.5.4. Weaknesses: will be costly to outfit entire fleet, customers might not value the benefit or knowing what stage their move is in

8. Group 317

8.1. Cloud Computing

8.1.1. We can use this technology to store and process our database. Strengths: Have a single database being shared by all offices across Canada, constant flow of information Weaknesses: Will need back-up system, loss of control to another party, security issue

8.2. Knowledge management system

8.2.1. Can be used to locate workers within specific skills required by the employer

8.2.2. City Workforce can provide blogs services to the job candidates, letting those people blog about their work experience, strength, skills etc...and then use social networks (those blogs) to make knowledge network analysis Weakness: the cost for rent or own the servers for blog service will increase the cost of our service. When City Workforce decide to use lower price strategy to compete with other giant staffing agents, blog service may not be a good choice. Strengths: Able to find out the unique strength of that candidate and narrow the range of candidates more efficiently and quicker.

8.3. Analytic CRM

8.3.1. Can provide customer segmentation groupings based on different workers (students, immigrants, women and other). Also segmenting based on industry (tourism, constriction, retail, office and administration)

8.3.2. Can be used to analyze which segments are most profitable

8.3.3. Can help us to predict the lifetime that worker or employer will continue to use our services. How can we continue to provide for them after the effects of the recession dampen.

8.4. Recommendation Agents

8.4.1. Can be used to help employers to find workers looking for a job that match their requirements and vice versa

8.4.2. If a worker applies for one job, the recommendation agent can recommend 2-3 other potential jobs that they can apply for, based on other people also applying for the same jobs, as well as the similarity of the job posting to the one applied for initially. Weaknesses: May not want recommendations, may only need to find one position to fill position and don't need multiple workers and vice versa Strengths: Allows for the exposure of didn't employers/workers that may have not been seen before by the person hiring/looking for a job.

8.4.3. "You may be interested in these jobs." A recording of what job posts workers are viewing and applying for and make recommendations based on that.- automatic recommendations

9. Group 318

9.1. Operational

9.1.1. Supply Inventory Medical supplies can be managed by using bar codes and bar code readers Strenghts Weaknesses

9.1.2. Speech to text Allows physicians to record appointment transcripts and articulate ideas quicker than writing them out Strengths Weaknesses

9.1.3. Written recognition Strength Allows less computer literate staff to "write" digital charts Some people can write quicker than typing Weaknesses not all handwriting may be recognized many people may prefer to type

9.1.4. Security of confidential information Biometric Scanners Restricts access of information to qualified individuals e.g. only physicians would see unrestricted patient records (used to sign in on computer systems)

9.1.5. Security of rooms and suplies HID Key Cards HID Key Cards can restrict access to medical supplies, computer systems and patient rooms to qualified staff members

9.2. Jonokemed

9.2.1. Strength facility and booking management allows patients to book online

9.2.2. weaknesses Does not allow communiation between our clinic and other units within our network.

10. Group 320

10.1. RFID Tags

10.1.1. Track shipments in bulk. Not individual items. Allows to track expiration date and inventory amounts

10.1.2. Disadvantages Costly to implement and cannot be used to track individual goods. Must purchase large supply and bulk

10.2. Recommendation Agents

10.2.1. Using data mining to find trends, and cross-selling opportunities. Allows us to create personalized deals and discounts.

10.2.2. Disadvantages if raw data is inaccurate, it will produce the wrong trends and models

10.3. In-store computer terminals and smartphone app

10.3.1. Can be used to scan products to give prices Can be used to help locate certain items Can be used to recommend complementary goods and potential recipes Can provide health information and nutritional guide

10.3.2. Disadvantages People who are not tech savvy People who do have smartphones Initial advertising and get people to download the app

10.4. E-Commerce

10.4.1. Online Catalogue will be available to online subscribers Website will include receipt database, news on organic food, private forum to discuss tasty recipes and news related to organic food/environment

10.4.2. Disadvantages People who are not tech savvy and non-subscribers would not have access to this service Some people are nervous about purchasing goods online and are skeptical about sharing information online

10.5. New node

11. Group 319

11.1. ERP which it integrate our accounting hr sales and finance departments. it will allow all divisions across Canada to work with the same system .

11.1.1. Strengths system in the cloud (we have mostly online data base) processing in the cloud! => if our physical data crashes we have a back up working 24/7 in the cloud.

11.1.2. Weaknesses Ownership and privacy; information is on the internet and therefore accessible to others.

11.2. KM (knowledge) and CM (content mgmt) For the knowledge mgmt part we will use it to assess expertise (and keep track of feedback from clients)

11.2.1. Use knowledge management system as a search engine to find valuable information on our clients and work environment; such as the client which has been the most successful in his / her job positions.

11.2.2. Content management will ensure the consistency of our system; keeping employee profiles up to date with previous work history and future job interests.

12. Group 303: VanRealty

12.1. Main supporting technology: WEBSITE

12.1.1. WEAKNESSES: -Competitors can view and imitate layout/interface easily(too generic) -maintainance costs

12.1.2. STRENGTHS: -Allows promotion -Gives visual 3D interface of property being sold -Easy to find (by googling) -allows application and ":linking" to social media (eg: facebook, linkedin) -> increases marketing and promotion

12.2. Main supporting technology 2: MOBILE APPLICATION

12.2.1. WEAKNESSES: -Costs: set up/implementation costs and management -Security: how much shared client data is 'safe'? Can it be leaked/attacked?

12.2.2. STRENGTHS: -Allows instant and quick mobile access for customers to access: (1) regularly updated property listings, (2) direct 'chatting' features and direct interaction with office admins for queries and questions -Allows CRM application: extraction of customer data such as preferred properties and personal info (age, job, location, etc) -Allows to capture their interest so we may contact them due to 'technological innovative ease' quality.

13. Keep track of moving orders, vehicles, and packages

14. Group 301

14.1. RFID Tags

14.1.1. Tags can be attached to each of the packages we are transporting

14.1.2. Can make sure all packages are on the vehicle (or off the vehicle when delvering to customer's home) It also enhances secuirity since all packages are kept track and accounted for

14.1.3. Can complicate procedures, since all boxes need to be tagged

14.1.4. Additional software and training might be required to support RFID tags

14.2. GPS Systems

14.2.1. Allows company and customers to keep track of the progress of the move Strength: Eliminate customers' concern of property safety because we have records of all the moving progress.

14.2.2. Helps movers to find the best route to a destination, saving costs and time Weakness: Can be costly to implement, especially if we want to show the progress of the move to the customers as well

14.3. Technology Requirements

14.3.1. Manage customer information and their demands/personal data and type of move they want (full or flexible services)

14.3.2. Information systems that helps us pair right employees to the right customers depending on the ethnicity and expertise of the employee

14.3.3. Assist employees to make accurate price estimates

14.4. Knowledge Management System

14.4.1. Allows our company to match our employees with the prefered spoken language of our customer using expertise locators Weakness: The IS can be used as a reference of past success and failure, but as a start-up company, we would not benefit much from it. Strength: Facilitates the personalization process

14.5. ERP System

14.5.1. Similar to:

14.5.2. Manages customer information

14.5.3. Improves accuracy and speed of making price estimates for different type of services (full services or flexible moving service)

14.5.4. System may include mobile application for employees to use on the go - keep track of customer data on their phone

14.5.5. May be expensive to implement and train employees to use

15. Group 302

15.1. CRM

15.1.1. Operational CRM Web based self service PRO: Helping consumers track their order as we are implementing a delivery system online; maximizes consumer efficiency

15.1.2. Analytical CRM Personalization Able to narrow down who our dominant consumers are Having a personalized technology system will help contribute to the development of our company as we aim to provide a unique shopping experience for consumers. Our main focus as of this point is developing our relationship with consumers Gain customer information Helps us predict demand, which is a significant advantage because online delivery systems must be fast and efficient

15.2. CON: expensive; limitation for our company as we are a relativley small grocery store

15.2.1. annual updates which adds to maintenance costs

15.2.2. Security problems

15.2.3. Since it's a new system and a new way of running the company, employees must understand how to use and the training costs can be potentially high; limitation to a small firm like ours

15.2.4. Poor usability; hard to implement it properly in the short run as it is difficult interference

15.3. Cloud computing

15.3.1. Having our entire business operations in one database Strength: very efficient and low on costs efficient for our supply chain management; having suppliers and regional offices be able to communicate with each other properly and hold all informations (e.g. orders) in one database/system

16. Group 305: VanRealty

16.1. CRM

16.1.1. virtual design software strength: convenience of viewing the house ahead of time for the customers cuts costs for relators during open houses personalizes experiences with the customer (feels more hands on) personalizes experiences with the customer (feels more hands on) weaknesses: must keep up to date with new virtual design options privacy issues: not everyone will want to put their home out to the public may not be cost effective competition with firms already using similar technology

17. Group 307 VanRealty

17.1. CC (Cloud Computing)

17.1.1. Benefit Entire business platform accessible anywhere, anytime on any device Real-time analytics Entirely customizable Relatively cheaper IT costs Pay incrementally

17.1.2. Cons Copyright flaws (who owns what once it's uploaded) Having to migrate all existing OS/IS's to cloud computing Although relatively simple and easy

17.2. Application

17.2.1. MLS (Multiple Listing Service) Benefits Allows customers to access our supple of houses online as if they were browsing clothes Chatter PD (Product Determination) Cons Having to be always updated Having to know what to hide from the customer

18. Group 306 - City Workforce

18.1. Payroll System (for our own employees)

18.1.1. Pro: Efficiency, pay/get paid on a regular and consistent basis takes the pressure off of management (do not need as much manpower focused on payroll + easy distribution) can spend time, resources (paper) and energy in other areas to benefit the company

18.1.2. Con: need added security as pay information is highly personal

18.1.3. Con: if it breaks down you loose all the payroll information

18.1.4. Pro: More accuracy, not recorded on just paper

18.2. integrated talent generation technology

18.2.1. automatically adds new job boards as you search, so data base can grow

18.2.2. cons: help and resources from this technology are not as readily available

18.2.3. cons: need to figure out a way to protect customer information, need to figure out legal and personal boundaries

18.2.4. pro: quick single job search across internet

18.3. Database/Data warehouse

18.3.1. Cons: information will be stored externally could have ownership problems...

18.3.2. Pro: keeps all the files of existing customers to build a better relationship/portfolio with them

18.4. security system

18.4.1. pro: to ensure our website/data base is protected to minimize hacking and loss of data accidentally

18.4.2. cons: usually pretty expensive and difficult to maintain (with all the updates and train people how to use the system)

18.5. Paypal (to charge customers)

18.5.1. Efficiency for customers, saves them time of mailing in a cheque or forcing them to trust using their credit card online

18.6. internal employee comunication system(i.e. sharepoint

18.6.1. pro: able to share information organization-wide broadcast information to employees(in case of crisis) employee engagement

18.6.2. cons: assuming employees used this system regularly confidential information leakage

19. Group 309 - MoveIT

19.1. ERP

19.1.1. used to link our human resources and operations link our employees + skills to trucks and scheduling

19.2. GPS system

19.2.1. for tracking trucks, and determining routes weaknesses: costly, will not meet all our travelling needs (road conditions) strengths: easy to use, quick information, easy to obtain

19.3. Wintac

19.3.1. Track jobs and trucks (built in link to GPS)

19.3.2. S: Automatically assign optimal person based on job location

19.3.3. W: only 5 years of technical service Run out of updates after five years; have to repurchase and implement every five years - doesn't allow for long term growth

19.4. DATS

19.4.1. Personnel Management Task Management Learning Management System News & Articles weaknesses: one person must administer

19.4.2. for employees (easy to understand)

19.4.3. Hazard Reports Close Call & Incident Investigations Safety Observations Contact Relationship Manager

19.5. KMS

19.5.1. used to order/rank our employees based on specialized moving skills (i.e. certifications for extraordinary items)

20. Group 308 Good Foods

20.1. RFID Tags

20.1.1. Benefits Reduce inventory inaccuracies Improve forecasting & planning Especially perishable items Reduce warehouse costs Reduce out-of-stock conditions Reduce labour costs Technology exists Has already been used by many other companies Common concerns of RFID Privacy Durability Is it even worth it for our model? Reasonable cost* Tags $0.14 each Reader $1,245 Start- up costs approx $3,000 Easy to use Parallel conversion, insourcing

20.2. Communications

20.2.1. Reach out to further away customers Our e-mails are a channel of communication, to reach out to customers when they are not within close proximity of our stores.We can use the appropriate technology to target the appropriate group, such as the younger crowd we can use social media but to the elder crowd we can focus more on emails or other technologies

20.2.2. Cloud Computing Weaknesses would include ensuring that our information is protected, and hidden from our competitors or other companies who may be interested in entering the market. If they enter this will decrease residual demand for us, which could lead to decreased sales and profits

20.2.3. Social Media(Knowledge Management) Accessible, high visibility, relatively cheap Fulfills business requirements Feasibility Implementation Direct conversion with both regular customers and customers who do not visit our store Potential of communicating with other stores to try and create a software architecture which uses the same technology to provide similar services. Requires collaboration, but also potential conflict of interest as we will be sharing services, but maybe we can only focus on what is common to all organizations Concerns include privacy issues, customers may not think it is 'cool' to talk to a company. We should focus on integrating into already ongoing conversations about our store, Always cheaper to retain an old customer than to get a new one

20.2.4. Suppliers Vital to communicate between the suppliers and the store. Could be used alongside RFID tags, so we know where our new inventory is at the current location and how to update it

20.3. E-Commerce

20.3.1. Allowing personalization so people who may have purchased groceries will receive an email regarding the recipes they could use and other recipes which would use other groceries which they havent purchased. This is linked to recommendation agents who will be given updated information on customer trends and can then supply recipes for their current groceries which they bought and other groceries which they may potentially buy in the future

20.4. Enterprise Resource Planning

20.4.1. That single item sales will inform a wide variety of sources of that sales, so it can update itself such as the inventory management, billing. This can be used alongside a TPS system, to gather data and convert it to information (through other systems) to allow for decision making.

20.5. Forecast demand:

20.5.1. in order to reduce cost and have an efficient just in time inventory system, it is essential to predict/forecast demand. Through the use of regression analysis from excel we can determine the demand function of our business and hence by just filling in the variables into the function we will have a rough idea of future demand.

21. Group 310 - City Workforce

21.1. Cloud Computing

21.1.1. To make all employee supply and employer demand data accessible to all regional offices Strengths Creates a decentralized network. all of the data is accessible by all of our regional branches. Store all data or information of our employers and employees as most of our data will be online Weaknesses Security concerns. concern about ownership of managing the service. A head office would have to be developed.

21.2. Payroll Technology

21.2.1. To collect monthly fee from employers and pay salary to employees Strengths To make it easier for employers (employers dont have to transfer the payment every month) More accurate (less mistakes) as it is computerized Easier to adjust when change occurs Lower cost once implemented and faster Weakness Need a backup system and back up information in times of downturn May be expensive to implement the system need to add security system for banking account and other information customers have

21.3. Knowledge Management Software and Infrastructure

21.3.1. To act as an expertise locator and analyze skills/personality results Strengths ready access to the organization's base of data, sources of information, and market stats Sharing of valuable organizational information Track previous work done by our workers, thus retain knowledge and reduce learning curve Weaknesses Steep learning curve to implement

21.4. Recommendation Agent

21.4.1. give several other potential job recommendation for employees and give potential workers for employers Give more options to both ends

21.5. Security Management and confirmation system

21.5.1. To track and ensure that the proper people are getting security clearance at a company, and there are no leaks claiming to be working for us. Strengths Weaknesses

21.6. Mobile application

21.6.1. To access our service everywhere everytime

22. Group 304

22.1. Mobile E-commerce

22.1.1. Website Strengths Wide reach Weaknesses Impersonal, can give people the wrong ideas

22.2. Mobile CRM

22.2.1. Strengths is a necessity for a customer relations based company Helps toward our goal of 360 degree customer service

22.2.2. Weaknesses sorting and the use of the data can be costly most companies use it, does not differentiate the company

22.2.3. Akcelerant,Talisma etc. Possible Software Keeps track of tasks and processes as well

22.3. Mobile Application

22.3.1. Strengths Liked by people The value in ours is in the information, not the physical app Investment information is very valuable (Bloomberg) Intuitive, easy to use

22.3.2. Weaknesses Can be easily copied by others, as apps are very easy to develope

22.4. App accessible Customer Investment Database

22.4.1. Secure usernames and password

22.4.2. Keeps track of investments

23. New node

23.1. a

24. New node