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HTML5 by Mind Map: HTML5

1. Advantages and Disadvantages

1.1. Advantages

1.1.1. Disability support Audio Video

1.1.2. Mobile browsers 3D support

1.2. Disadvantages

1.2.1. Digital divide Browser support

1.2.2. Semantic coding

2. What is the role of HTML5 in the context of e-government application domains?

3. The role of technology and its impacts

3.1. e-Citizens

3.1.1. Geospatial data

3.1.2. eParticipation

3.2. e-Services

3.2.1. Virtual Reality

3.2.2. Mobile eServices

3.2.3. Virtual Reality Web3GL + HTML5

3.3. e-Administration

3.4. e-Society

4. Introduction

4.1. Definition of markup languages and HTML / XHTML

4.2. History of HTML / Evolution / Timeline + Standardization

5. Technical specifications and Development

5.1. HTML

5.1.1. Difference between HTML4 and HTML5

5.1.2. Search engine optimization

5.2. The role of CSS and JS in web development