The Brainstorm Facilitator Brainstorming Process

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The Brainstorm Facilitator Brainstorming Process by Mind Map: The Brainstorm Facilitator Brainstorming Process

1. Invite humor and playfulness

2. Tell Stories

3. Identify and transform limiting assumptions

4. Create and explain the brainstorm ground rules

5. Allow for solo brainstorming

6. Establish criteria for evaluation

6.1. C5

7. Encourage participants to follow their fascination

8. Excursion (time out)

9. Brainstorm in Groups

9.1. Brainslipping


9.3. ThinkCube

9.4. ASSumption Buster

9.5. Revesal of Fortune

9.6. Idea Lottery

9.7. Idea Jams

9.8. Stick em Up

9.9. Animal Crackers

9.10. Idea Pilot & Co-Pilot version

9.11. What would Davinci think?

9.12. Crash, Bang, Boom

9.13. Questorming

10. Help you evaluate ideas effectively. Brainstorm Report. Follow-Up

10.1. Synthesis

11. Idea Management Tools

11.1. SMS Idea Box

11.2. Idea Management Toolbox

11.3. Idea Map

12. Set context. Clarify outcomes. Address expectations

13. Determine and Create the environment

14. Establish ground rules and agreements for participation from the group

15. clarify the process

16. Break the ice

17. Invite appreciative inquiry

18. Rules

18.1. Focus on quantity

18.2. Suspend judgment

18.3. Wild ideas are welcome

18.4. Laugh & play

18.5. Combine and improve ideas

19. What's Up? - Questorming

20. Custom Design Determine the team