Wilko Customer Requirements

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Wilko Customer Requirements by Mind Map: Wilko Customer Requirements

1. Guidelines for Brainstorming

1.1. Anything goes!

1.2. No criticism or flaming allowed

1.3. The Wilder The Better

1.4. Quantity is Quality

1.5. Set a Time Limit

2. Low price

2.1. Marketing strategy

2.2. Sales strategy

2.3. contracting/procurement

3. Latest trendy designs

3.1. Research

3.2. Product Design

4. Disability access

4.1. Customer Care

4.2. Legal

5. Home delivery

5.1. fleet management

5.2. contracting/procurement

6. Variety in products

6.1. Product design

6.2. sales

6.3. marketing

7. After sales service

7.1. customer care

7.2. legal

8. Easy accessibility to store (location)

8.1. Legal

8.2. Leadership decision making

9. Good interior design and store condition

9.1. HR

9.2. Research

9.3. Store operations

10. High Quality

10.1. Quality Assurance

11. Aesthetics & Appearance

11.1. Quality Assurance

11.2. Production Packaging

12. WiFi in store

12.1. IT

13. Personalisation of homewares

13.1. Product design

13.2. Quality assurance

14. Good attitude of salesperson

14.1. Customer care

14.2. HR trainings

14.3. Store operations

15. Promotions and sales

15.1. Marketing strategy

15.2. Sales strategy

15.3. Finance

16. Well dressed employees

16.1. HR processes

16.2. Store operations

17. Parking availability

17.1. Store operations

17.2. Leadership visionary decision making

18. Website

18.1. IT

19. Quick counter services

19.1. Store operations

19.2. HR Trainings