Smartphone Operating Systems

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Smartphone Operating Systems by Mind Map: Smartphone Operating Systems

1. Android

1.1. Pros:

1.1.1. Web & Internet Support

1.1.2. Application Support

1.2. Cons:

1.2.1. Business Connectivity

1.2.2. Security & Management

2. iOS/ iPhone

2.1. Pros:

2.1.1. Web & Internet Support

2.1.2. Usability

2.2. Cons:

2.2.1. No Flash capabilities

2.2.2. No Widgets

3. Sources 2011






4. Windows 7 Mobile

4.1. Pros:

4.1.1. Many, many new features. New groups feature helps you make sense of busy social networks

4.1.2. Multitasking

4.2. Cons:

4.2.1. Doesn't support WiMAX, LTE, or dual-core processors

4.2.2. Local Scout is a failure

5. Ice Cream Sandwich

5.1. Pros:

5.1.1. Unlock your phone with your face

5.1.2. Cool new widgets

5.2. Cons:

5.2.1. New node

5.2.2. New node

6. Global Market Shares

6.1. Nokia 33.1%

6.2. RIM 16.1%

6.3. Apple 15.7%

6.4. Samsung 7.6%

6.5. HTC 7.1%

6.6. Other 20.3%

7. I am very brand oriented and Samsung has been my brand when it comes to Cell Phones for the last 3+ years. I don't need anything fancy or the latest/fastest; as long as it does what I'm looking for I could really care less.