Systems 7-01

We tried out mindmeister while talking about the different systems we have today.

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Systems 7-01 by Mind Map: Systems 7-01

1. Why use a phone ?

2. Games (J.F)

2.1. Call of duty

2.2. It helps people in school and outside school

2.3. EA Sports

2.4. Trends

3. Phones

3.1. More Information about Phones

3.2. Trends

3.3. The Phone Creation

4. tv

4.1. trends

4.2. for more information

4.3. how is the tv usefull at school or outside school.

4.4. why is it a system

5. Radio Telephone

6. Phones

6.1. The use of phones: definition

6.2. Different types of phones

6.3. How do phones help us in life

7. Games (Y.C)

7.1. Call Of Duty

7.2. Trens

7.3. How the game help me in school

8. Computer

8.1. How can a computer help?

8.2. Trends

8.3. System

8.4. Other Information

9. Phones

9.1. what does it do?

9.2. is this phone a system?

9.3. trens

10. The Phone

10.1. The Phone System

10.2. Trends

10.3. Uses of the Phone

10.4. For more Information...

11. DVD

11.1. Storage

11.2. Can we use it at school?

11.3. Types of DVDs

11.4. Trends

11.5. More information