MindMap 1 Biofuels

Should investments be directed towards the challenging development of a market for sustainable aviation biofuels or is it better to focus on yet existing sustainable energy projects, through compensation services?

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4.1. Should investments be directed towards the challenging development of a market for sustainable aviation biofuels or is it better to focus on yet existing sustainable energy projects, through compensation services?

5. ideas

5.1. Louis Aartman (NLR)

5.1.1. suffer from fossil fuels > aviation will be affected 1 to expensive fossil fuel 2 run out of fossil fuel need a paradigm shift alternatives fuel can take decades possible solution: biofuels research is needed also research for other possibilities

5.2. @ilonkaac

5.2.1. sustainability is part of KLM operations

5.3. unknown

5.3.1. difference in fuel between a car & plane

5.3.2. Invest in biofuel, compensate servcices

5.4. @elseboutkan

5.4.1. Oil companies did not discover internet nor will they discover THE solution for biofuels

5.5. @timbales

5.5.1. Sustainable energy is the only true solution bio kerosine competing with food deforestation

5.6. @timbales

5.6.1. sutainable fuel chain developped by Rabobank from crop to drop

5.7. @tweetredacteur

5.7.1. flying on hydrogene

5.8. @priscilladieb

5.8.1. What are the current alternatives to fuel present by the fabricants? Solar Power Systems Lighter airplanes Electric airplanes

5.9. @AnoukPappers

5.9.1. Does the passenger have to pay for biofuel, co2 compensation or other innovations?

5.10. @timbales

5.10.1. Faaij, UU, See IPCC: biofuel orginates from: Waste: garbage oil forrest agriculture degraded lands sustainable productive agriculture

5.11. @Jeroen_Z

5.11.1. No fossil fuel of bio fuel which competes with farming

5.12. @timbales

5.12.1. Question Milieudefensie Does an extra demand for bio mass (fibre) for aviation also inncrease extra food production? Its should and could

5.13. @KLM

5.13.1. Is your Airline willing to sign long term off take agreements with Algae companies for Advanced Biofuels R&D?

5.14. @Sean_OHanlon

5.14.1. Don't know Europeans but I can tell you Americans expect Biofuels to cost less than petroleum fuels.

5.15. @koosdhr

5.15.1. How much are you willing to pay extra for a more sustainable flight (intercontinental)

5.16. @Benlubbon

5.16.1. If @KLM gets into the #algae biofuels game Many revenue streams will be created Savings should be passed onto the consumer.

5.17. @sean_ohanlon

5.17.1. Biofuels are currently 3 to 5 x more expensive RT Americans expect Biofuels to cost less than petroleum fuels

5.18. @BIOblogger

5.18.1. Difference Governments must set values thru tax & incentive policies Businesses set prices based on governmental policies. Result Oil should go up Biofuels down

5.18.2. Thus Oil prices up also because of global demand, peaking supply Biofuels down because adv.RD&D, product scale, & decentralization.

5.18.3. Governments must place a value on sustainability & adjust policies accordingly.

5.18.4. U.S. oil subsidies based on fossil values

5.19. @JerreLubberts

5.19.1. sustainable aviation bekijken vanuit klant van deur tot deur?

5.19.2. Wat kan KLM doen?

5.20. @BenLubbon

5.20.1. @KLM Why does yr Industry pay millions 2 lobby against carbon legislation; then push sustainability

5.21. Sean O'Hanlon

5.21.1. Algae can be used for Wastewater Treatment and CO2 capture To produce enough biofuels needed for GHG reduction Without competing with food crops.

5.22. @BIOBlogger

5.22.1. @KLM U.S. military/commercial sharing market dev. relieves airlines from going it alone.

6. discussion

6.1. @Sean_OHanlon

6.1.1. Farming yield growth needs market access, techology, fertliz. Rabo can invests in sustainable farms + biomass

6.2. @KLM

6.2.1. RT @KLM long term agreements with Algae companies

6.2.2. @sean_ohanlon We are open to any sustainable solution using the right feedstocks.

6.3. @Sean_OHanlon

6.3.1. @timbales They would do far better to invest in Algae companies for Wastewater Treatment and CO2 capture into Biofuels

6.4. @Sean_OHanlon

6.4.1. @benlubbon Hold on. You know from both @EmgMarkets and I that Algae based Biofuels won't be full scale before 2020. RT Americans expect #Biofuels to cost less than petroleum fuels @Barrywmagee

6.4.2. RT @KLM Re: Long term agreements with Algae companies We are open to any sustainable biofuels using the right feedstocks.

6.5. @Sean_OHanlon

6.5.1. @emmamediaCC You will find that there is a very low percentage of the population willing to pay more for #biofuels. ~5

6.6. @timbales

6.6.1. @Sean_OHanlon Invest in Algae may be best for Biofuels but we also need improve agriculture in South double dividend

6.6.2. @timbales Biofuels created mkts. for Corn Belt. Wood Basket next, then urban MSW. Algae Biofuels

6.7. @Bioblogger

6.7.1. @KLM U.S. military/commercial sharing market dev. relieves airlines from going it alone. #KLMcsr http://t.co/vfx30Ps3

6.7.2. It's not just about tech & prices. It's about progressive building of infrastructure & markets. Markets demand #sustainability @KLM Good statement! RT It's not just about tech & prices. It's about progressive building of infrastructure & markets

7. KLM

7.1. in 2009 the first bio fuel powerd flight with passengers operated by KLM

8. Camiel Eurlings

8.1. KLM is green airliner

8.2. @emmamediaCC

8.2.1. in 2015 1% of all KLM flights will be on bio fuel

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