1. Mind Map Technique #2: Note Taking for Reading Comprehension
1.1. Make notes in a mind map while reading to improve comprehension and memorize information more easily.
1.2. Why use a mind map for reading comprehension?
1.2.1. Taking notes in a map is more efficient You use keywords, icons and connections No need for whole sentences or paragraphs
1.2.2. The mind map helps you see the bigger picture Key ideas from the text are all collected on a single page (or digital canvas) You see how ideas are related, how characters are connected, how arguments are laid out
1.2.3. There is space for additional information You can store additional notes, questions, comments, references and links inside the topics of a mind map, without cluttering up the map! Just like in this topic (click on the icons!)
1.3. Uses of mind maps for reading comprehension
1.3.1. Novels
1.3.2. Textbooks
1.3.3. Non-fiction books
1.3.4. Poems
1.3.5. Articles / Essays
2. Mind Map Technique #3: Research and Collecting Information
2.1. Use a mind map to collect facts, links, notes and ideas about a given topic and see at a glance how everything is connected.
2.2. Why use a mind map for research?
2.2.1. Digital mind maps offer an unlimited canvas. Get EVERYTHING onto one page Draw connections between related facts, highlight important ideas.
2.2.2. Attach documents, link to external websites, leave comments and notes in the map, and more.
2.2.3. Maps can easily be shared with other students. Work together on group projects All changes are instantly visible to all project members Work from school, from home and on the go, with mobile apps.
2.3. Uses of mind maps for research and collecting information
2.3.1. Group projects
2.3.2. Research for an essay
2.3.3. Putting together a presentation
2.3.4. Studying for exams
3. What Is This?
3.1. This is a collection of practical mind mapping techniques for students.
3.2. Students of all ages can hugely benefit from mind mapping!
3.2.1. Middle school
3.2.2. High school
3.2.3. College / University
3.3. Mind mapping is a technique that can help students improve learning, take better notes, unleash their creativity and more.
3.3.1. See also: Free online mind mapping with MindMeister Online mind map training
4. Benefits of Mind Mapping
4.1. Visualize your thoughts
4.1.1. Communicate your ideas
4.1.2. Help others follow your line of thought
4.2. Take more effective notes
4.2.1. Easier to revise!
4.2.2. More memorable
4.2.3. More fun
4.3. Understand complex ideas and topics
4.3.1. See how things are related
4.3.2. Go from COLLECTING dots to CONNECTING dots Connect new information with existing knowledge
4.4. Collect information
4.4.1. Keep everything in a central place
4.4.2. Add notes and multi-media Images, icons, colors, videos, file attachments and more
4.5. Memorize information long-term
4.5.1. Deep learning
5. Mind Map Technique #1: Brainstorming & Ideation
5.1. Make a mind map to brainstorm ideas and unleash your creativity!
5.2. Why use a mind map for brainstorming?
5.2.1. They help you get your ideas out of your head quickly Tip: Use individual keywords and images, not whole sentences!
5.2.2. Ideas often trigger related ideas Come up with new ideas via association
5.2.3. Mind maps use images and colors These often trigger ideas and associations better than normal text can
5.3. Uses of brainstorming for students
5.3.1. Brainstorm ideas for an essay
5.3.2. Brainstorm ideas for creative writing assignments
5.3.3. Brainstorm ideas for art works
5.3.4. Brainstorm ideas for arguments