CRM Database

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1. Field MUST have

1.1. created_by

1.2. created_on

1.3. modified_by

1.4. modified_on

1.5. status

1.6. If choose soft deleted

1.6.1. deleted_by

1.6.2. deleted_on

1.6.3. is_deleted

2. Loyalty

2.1. ain_loyalty_level_points

2.1.1. name

2.1.2. point_type_value

2.1.3. point_type_label: Earn Point

2.1.4. currency_id

2.1.5. amount: money

2.1.6. point: int

2.2. ain_loyalty_cycles

2.2.1. name

2.2.2. from_date: bigint

2.2.3. to_date: bigint

2.2.4. extend_expired_day: int (extend to_date)

2.2.5. owner_id

2.2.6. owner_type

2.3. ain_loyalty_levels

2.3.1. name

2.3.2. sequence: int

2.3.3. start_point: int

2.3.4. end_point: int

2.4. ain_loyalty_programs

2.4.1. name

2.4.2. from_date

2.4.3. to_date

2.4.4. level_point_id

2.4.5. promotion_type_value

2.4.6. promotion_type_label: (invoice/birthday/special)

2.4.7. loyalty_applied_value

2.4.8. loyalty_applied_label

2.4.9. product_applied_value

2.4.10. product_applied_label : (missing when design)

2.4.11. bonus_point_type_value

2.4.12. bonus_point_type_label: (Plus -- Point / Double Point)

2.4.13. bonus_point: int

2.4.14. owner_id

2.4.15. owner_type

2.4.16. status_value

2.4.17. status_label

2.5. ain_loyalty_points

2.5.1. contact_id joined_date - bigint earn_point - int redemption_point - int bonus_point - int level - int cycle_point_start - bigint cycle_point_end - bigint level_point - int balance_point - int expired_date - bigint previous_cycle_point_start - bigint previous_cycle_point_end - bigint previous_earn_point - int previous_bonus_point - int previous_redemption_point - int previous_balance_point - int

2.6. ain_loyalty_transactions

2.6.1. loyalty_point_id

2.6.2. invoice_id

2.6.3. transaction_date

2.6.4. invoice_name

2.6.5. invoice_number: (invoice_code in ain_invoices)

2.6.6. earn_point - int

2.6.7. bonus_point int

2.6.8. redemption_point - int

2.6.9. balance_point - int

2.6.10. previous_point: int

2.6.11. level_name

2.6.12. loyalty_cycle_id: (for calculate loyalty_point when a cycle is end)

2.6.13. description

2.6.14. contact_id

2.7. ain_loyalty_promotion_rules

2.7.1. loyalty_program_id

2.7.2. name

2.7.3. from_date

2.7.4. to_date

2.7.5. marketing_list_id

2.7.6. apply_for_category_product_value

2.7.7. apply_for_category_product_label

2.7.8. product_applied_value

2.7.9. product_applied_label

2.7.10. category_applied_value

2.7.11. category_applied_label

2.7.12. applied_amount_quantity_label

2.7.13. applied_amount_quantity_value

2.7.14. amount_from : money (instead of invoice_amount_from )

2.7.15. amount_to : money

2.7.16. quantity_from

2.7.17. quantity_to

2.7.18. CURRENCY : not column - get from Loyalty Program > Level Point

2.8. ain_loyalty_promotion_rule_products

2.8.1. loyalty_promotion_rule_id

2.8.2. product_id

2.9. ain_loyalty_promotion_rule_categories

2.9.1. loyalty_promotion_rule_id

2.9.2. category_id

3. Service

3.1. ain_case_sla_details

3.1.1. name

3.1.2. case_id

3.1.3. sla_detail_id

3.1.4. failure_after: bigint (minutes)

3.1.5. warn_after: bigint (minutes)

3.1.6. is_pause: bit

3.1.7. business_process_flow_id

3.1.8. business_process_stage_id

3.2. ain_case_similars

3.2.1. case_id

3.2.2. case_similar_id

3.3. ain_case_mergeds

3.3.1. case_id

3.3.2. case_merged_id

3.4. ain_sla_details

3.4.1. name

3.4.2. service_level_agreement_id

3.4.3. subject_value

3.4.4. subject_label

3.4.5. priority_value

3.4.6. priority_label

3.4.7. business_process_flow_id

3.4.8. business_process_stage_id

3.4.9. warn_after: bigint (miliseconds)

3.4.10. failure_after: bigint (miliseconds)

3.5. ain_contracts

3.5.1. contract_code

3.5.2. contract_name

3.5.3. customer_record_id

3.5.4. customer_entity_id

3.5.5. customer_entity_type

3.5.6. CONTACT_ADDRESS: same with accoutnts

3.5.7. start_date

3.5.8. end_date

3.5.9. duration_int_days: int

3.5.10. discount_type_value

3.5.11. discount_type_label

3.5.12. service_level_value

3.5.13. service_level_label

3.5.14. originating_contract_id: (action contract renew)

3.5.15. owner_id

3.5.16. owner_type

3.5.17. description: 2000

3.5.18. bill_to_customer_record_id

3.5.19. bill_to_customer_entity_id

3.5.20. bill_to_customer_entity_type

3.5.21. BILL_TO_ADDRESS (same with accounts)

3.5.22. billing_start_date

3.5.23. billing_end_date

3.5.24. billing_frequency_value

3.5.25. billing_frequency_label

3.5.26. cancellation_date: bigint

3.5.27. currency_id

3.5.28. total_price: money

3.5.29. total_discount: money

3.5.30. net_price: money

3.5.31. allotment_type_value

3.5.32. allotment_type_label

3.5.33. status_value

3.5.34. status_label

3.6. ain_knowledge_base_entities

3.6.1. entity_id

3.6.2. is_selected: bit

3.7. ain_cases

3.7.1. title - nvarchar(255)

3.7.2. case_code (auto generate)

3.7.3. subject_label

3.7.4. subject_value

3.7.5. customer_record_id

3.7.6. customer_entity_id

3.7.7. customer_entity_type

3.7.8. origin_label

3.7.9. origin_value

3.7.10. contact_id

3.7.11. entitlement_id

3.7.12. product_id

3.7.13. description

3.7.14. case_type_label

3.7.15. case_type_value

3.7.16. parent_id

3.7.17. sla_id

3.7.18. is_escalated

3.7.19. escalated_on

3.7.20. follow_up_on

3.7.21. is_first_response_sent

3.7.22. article_id

3.7.23. contract_id

3.7.24. contract_line_id

3.7.25. serial_number (nvarchar 255)

3.7.26. service_level_label

3.7.27. service_level_value

3.7.28. priority_label

3.7.29. priority_value

3.7.30. status_label

3.7.31. status_value

3.7.32. status_reason_label

3.7.33. status_reason_value

3.7.34. owner_id

3.7.35. owner_type

3.8. ain_articles

3.8.1. title nvarchar(255)

3.8.2. subject_label

3.8.3. subject_value

3.8.4. keywords

3.8.5. code

3.8.6. language_label

3.8.7. language_value

3.8.8. content - ntext

3.8.9. status_label

3.8.10. status_value

3.9. ain_article_comments

3.9.1. article_id

3.9.2. title

3.9.3. content

3.10. ain_service_level_agreements

3.10.1. name - 255

3.10.2. entity_id

3.10.3. applicable_form_label

3.10.4. applicable_from_value

3.10.5. business_hour_id: (sample data for Service Calendar)

3.10.6. sla_type_value

3.10.7. sla_type_label

3.10.8. is_allow_pause

3.10.9. description

3.10.10. status_value

3.10.11. status_label

3.10.12. owner_id

3.10.13. owner_type

3.10.14. is_default: (only 1 SLA default)

3.11. ain_flow_sla_trackings

3.11.1. entity_id

3.11.2. entity_record_id

3.11.3. entity_type

3.11.4. sla_detail_id

3.11.5. business_process_stage_id

3.11.6. first_response_on

3.11.7. resolve_on

3.11.8. warn_after: bigint (miliseconds)

3.11.9. failure_after: bigint (miliseconds)

3.11.10. pause_on

3.11.11. pause_duration_time: int (view flow image in Jira)

3.12. ain_sla_workdays

3.12.1. sla_workplan_id

3.12.2. week_day: tinyint (0: CN, 1:Mon, ....)

3.12.3. name: string concat from start/end/duration

3.13. ain_activities_service_customers

3.13.1. activities_service_id

3.13.2. entity_record_id

3.13.3. entity_id

3.13.4. entity_type

3.14. ain_activities_service_resources

3.14.1. activities_service_id

3.14.2. entity_record_id

3.14.3. entity_id

3.14.4. entity_type

3.15. ain_sla_working_day_details

3.15.1. sla_working_day_id

3.15.2. work_hour_from: bigint

3.15.3. work_hour_to: bigint

3.15.4. type: (1: WORKDAYS, 2: BREAK)

3.16. ain_sla_workplans

3.16.1. name

3.16.2. description

3.16.3. work_hours_value

3.16.4. work_hours_label

3.16.5. timezone_id

3.16.6. status_value

3.16.7. status_label

3.16.8. holiday_schedule_id

3.17. ain_activities_services

3.17.1. subject

3.17.2. service_id: (reference to module Service)

3.17.3. site_id

3.17.4. location

3.17.5. show_time_as_label

3.17.6. show_time_as_value

3.17.7. start_time

3.17.8. end_time

3.17.9. is_all_day_event: bit

3.17.10. duration => DELETE

3.17.11. regarding_entity_id

3.17.12. regarding_entity_record_id

3.17.13. regarding_entity_type

3.17.14. owner_id

3.17.15. owner_type

3.17.16. priority_label

3.17.17. priority_value

3.17.18. category: nvarchar

3.17.19. sub_category: nvarchar

3.17.20. status_value

3.17.21. status_label

3.17.22. status_reason_label: *** (NOT USE)

3.17.23. status_reason_value: *** (NOT USE)

3.18. ain_holidays

3.18.1. name

3.18.2. start_date

3.18.3. end_date

3.18.4. year_of_start_date: (get from start_date for display and filter)

3.19. ain_holiday_schedules

3.19.1. name

3.19.2. description

3.19.3. owner_id

3.19.4. owner_type

3.20. ain_services

3.20.1. name

3.20.2. status_reason_value

3.20.3. status_reason_label

3.20.4. duration_value

3.20.5. duration_labe

3.20.6. activities_every_value

3.20.7. activities_every_label

3.20.8. begin_at_value

3.20.9. begin_at_label

3.20.10. description

4. Menus

4.1. ain_menu_entities

4.1.1. menu_id

4.1.2. entity_id

4.2. ain_menus

4.2.1. id

4.2.2. name

4.2.3. url

4.2.4. order_by

4.2.5. menu_type 1: modules 2: group 3: function

4.2.6. parent_id

4.2.7. icon

5. Sales Literature

5.1. ain_sale_literatures

5.1.1. title

5.1.2. subject: smallint (FE hardcode)

5.1.3. type_value

5.1.4. type_label

5.1.5. description

5.1.6. expiration_date: bigint

5.1.7. employee_contact_id: (User)

5.2. ain_sale_attachments

5.2.1. title

5.2.2. author

5.2.3. keywords

5.2.4. abstract: 2000

5.2.5. file_name

5.2.6. file_size

5.2.7. file_path

5.2.8. sale_literature_id PK

5.2.9. status_value

5.2.10. status_label

5.3. ain_sale_literature_products

5.3.1. sale_literature_id

5.3.2. product_id

5.4. ain_sale_literature_competitors

5.4.1. sale_literature_id

5.4.2. competitor_id

6. Options Set

6.1. ain_option_set_fields

6.1.1. id

6.1.2. option_set_pool_id

6.1.3. entity_field_id

6.1.4. entity_id

6.2. ain_option_set_pools

6.2.1. id

6.2.2. label - nvarchar (255)

6.2.3. value - bigint

6.2.4. order_by - smallint

7. Orders

7.1. ain_orders

7.1.1. order_code: n 20

7.1.2. name

7.1.3. currency_id

7.1.4. price_list_id

7.1.5. prices_locked: bit

7.1.6. requested_delivery: bigint

7.1.7. date_fulfilled: bigint

7.1.8. shipping_method_value

7.1.9. shipping_method_label

7.1.10. payment_terms_value

7.1.11. payment_terms_label

7.1.12. bill_to_address: same account address -7 fields

7.1.13. ship_to_value

7.1.14. ship_to_label

7.1.15. ship_to_address: same bill_to_address above

7.1.16. detail_amount: same detail amount opportunity - 7 fields

7.1.17. total_amount: money

7.1.18. opportunity_id

7.1.19. quotes_id

7.1.20. potential_entity_id

7.1.21. potential_entity_type

7.1.22. potential_record_id

7.1.23. description

7.1.24. order_status_label

7.1.25. order_status_value

7.1.26. owner_id

7.1.27. owner_type

7.2. ain_order_products

7.2.1. orders_id

7.2.2. product_id

7.2.3. unit_id

7.2.4. price_per_unit: money

7.2.5. quantity: decimal

7.2.6. discount: money

7.2.7. extend_amount: money

8. Entities

8.1. ain_entity_fields

8.1.1. id

8.1.2. display_name

8.1.3. name

8.1.4. requirement_value

8.1.5. requirement_label

8.1.6. is_searchable - bit

8.1.7. field_security - bit

8.1.8. auditing - bit

8.1.9. description - nvarchar(2000)

8.1.10. data_type - smallint single line of text option set two options images whole number floating point number decimal number currency multiple lines of text date and time lookup

8.1.11. min_value

8.1.12. max_value

8.1.13. format - smallint text email text area url ticket symbol phone

8.1.14. maximum_length

8.1.15. entity_id - guid

8.2. ain_entities

8.2.1. id

8.2.2. display_name - nvarchar(255)

8.2.3. plural_name - nvarchar

8.2.4. name_in_db default: ain_

8.2.5. icon upload file

8.2.6. owner_type - smallint 1: user or team 2: organization

8.2.7. description - nvarchar(2000)

8.2.8. business_process_flow - bit

8.2.9. note - bit

8.2.10. activities - bit

8.2.11. connections - bit

8.2.12. sending_email - bit

8.2.13. document_management - bit

8.2.14. knowledge_management - bit

8.2.15. enable_for_sla - bit

8.2.16. allow_quick_create - bit

8.2.17. duplicate_detection - bit

8.2.18. auditing - bit

8.2.19. is_system - bit

9. Products

9.1. ain_units

9.1.1. name - n - 255

9.1.2. quantity - decimal(18,5)

9.1.3. parent_id : guid

9.1.4. unit_group_id - guid

9.2. ain_unit_groups

9.2.1. name - n - 255

9.3. ain_notes

9.3.1. entity_id

9.3.2. entity_record_id

9.3.3. entity_type

9.3.4. title - n - 255

9.3.5. content - n - 2000

9.3.6. attachment - n - 1000 (url file)

9.4. ain_products

9.4.1. name - n - 255

9.4.2. product_code -n - 255

9.4.3. parent_id - guid

9.4.4. valid_from - bigint

9.4.5. valid_to - bigint

9.4.6. description - n - 2000

9.4.7. unit_group_id - guid

9.4.8. unit_id - guid

9.4.9. price_list_id - guid

9.4.10. decimal_supported - byte

9.4.11. subject - smallint (FE hardcode)

9.4.12. status_label

9.4.13. status_value

9.4.14. product_structure_value : (1: Product Family, 2: Product, 3: Product Bundle)

9.4.15. product_structure_label

9.5. ain_properties

9.5.1. name -n 255

9.5.2. read_only - bit

9.5.3. required - bit

9.5.4. hidden - bit

9.5.5. regarding_product_id

9.5.6. decription - n 2000

9.5.7. datatype_value - smallint

9.5.8. datatype_label

9.5.9. min_value: decimal

9.5.10. max_value:decimal

9.5.11. default_value: decimal

9.5.12. precision:smallint

9.5.13. text_default: n 1000

9.5.14. max_length: smallint

9.6. ain_property_optionset

9.6.1. property_id

9.6.2. name

9.6.3. value

9.6.4. description: n 2000

9.6.5. is_default: bit

9.7. ain_product_properties

9.7.1. product_id

9.7.2. property_id

9.8. ain_territories

9.8.1. state_id

9.8.2. city_id

9.8.3. province_id

9.8.4. name

9.9. ain_price_list_territories

9.9.1. price_list_id

9.9.2. territory_id

9.10. ain_discount

9.10.1. name

9.10.2. discount_type_value

9.10.3. discount_type_label

9.10.4. currency_id

9.10.5. description: n 2000

9.11. ain_discount_details

9.11.1. begin_quantity: decimal

9.11.2. end_quantity: decimal

9.11.3. amount: money

9.11.4. percent: decimal

10. Competitors

10.1. ain_opportunity_competitors

10.1.1. opportunity_id

10.1.2. competitor_id

10.2. ain_lead_competitors

10.2.1. lead_id

10.2.2. competitor_id

10.3. ain_competitors

10.3.1. name - n - 255

10.3.2. reported_revenue - money

10.3.3. website -n - 255

10.3.4. currency_id

10.3.5. address : same table account

10.3.6. strength -n - 2000

10.3.7. weakness - n - 2000

10.3.8. ticker_symbol -n - 50

11. StackHolders

11.1. ain_lead_stackholders

11.1.1. lead_id

11.2. ain_opportunity_stackholders

11.2.1. opportunity_id

12. Opportunities

12.1. ain_opportunities

12.1.1. topic - n - 255

12.1.2. contact_id

12.1.3. account_id

12.1.4. purchase_time_frame_label

12.1.5. purchase_time_frame_value

12.1.6. currency_id

12.1.7. budget_amount - money

12.1.8. purchase_process_label

12.1.9. purchase_process_value

12.1.10. description

12.1.11. current_situation - n - 2000

12.1.12. customer_need - n - 2000

12.1.13. proposed_solution -n - 2000

12.1.14. price_list_id

12.1.15. revenue_label

12.1.16. revenue_value

12.1.17. detail_amount - money

12.1.18. discount_percent - decimal

12.1.19. discount - money

12.1.20. pre_freight_amount - money

12.1.21. preight_amount: money

12.1.22. total_tax - money

12.1.23. total_amount - money

12.1.24. est_close_date - bigint

12.1.25. est_revenue - money

12.1.26. owner_type

12.1.27. owner_id

12.1.28. status_label

12.1.29. status_value

12.2. ain_opportunity_saleteams

12.2.1. opportunity_id

12.2.2. user_id

12.2.3. sale_role_label

12.2.4. sale_role_value

12.3. ain_opportunity_products

12.3.1. opportunity_id

12.3.2. product_id

12.3.3. price_per_unit: money

12.3.4. quantity: int

12.3.5. discount: money

12.4. ain_price_list

12.4.1. name

12.4.2. start_date: bigint

12.4.3. end_date: bigint

12.4.4. currency_id

12.4.5. description: n 2000

12.5. ain_price_list_items

12.5.1. price_list_id

12.5.2. product_id

12.5.3. unit_id

12.5.4. currency_id

12.5.5. discount_id

12.5.6. quantity_selling_value

12.5.7. quantity_selling_label

12.5.8. pricing_method_value

12.5.9. pricing_method_label

12.5.10. amount: money

12.5.11. percentage: decimal

12.5.12. rounding_policy_value

12.5.13. rounding_policy_label

12.5.14. rounding_amount: money

12.6. ain_opportunity_quotes

12.6.1. opportunity_id

12.6.2. quote_id

12.6.3. name

12.6.4. status_value

12.6.5. status_label

12.6.6. total_amount: money

12.6.7. effect_from: bigint

12.6.8. effect_to: bigint

13. PHRASE 2

13.1. Marketing

14. LEAD

14.1. ain_leads

14.1.1. topic - nvarchar _ 255

14.1.2. first_name - n - 255

14.1.3. last_name - n - 255

14.1.4. full_name - n - 600

14.1.5. job_title - n - 255

14.1.6. business_phone - n - 30

14.1.7. mobile_phone - n - 30

14.1.8. email - n - 255

14.1.9. company_name - n - 255

14.1.10. address: same contact

14.1.11. description - n - 2000

14.1.12. industry_value

14.1.13. industry_label

14.1.14. annual_revenue - money

14.1.15. no_of_employees - int

14.1.16. sic_code - nvarchar(20)

14.1.17. currency_id

14.1.18. campaign_id

14.1.19. marketing_material - bit

14.1.20. last_campaign_date - big int

14.1.21. prefered_method_value

14.1.22. prefered_method_label

14.1.23. allow_send_email - bit

14.1.24. allow_follow_email

14.1.25. allow_bulk_email

14.1.26. allow_phone

14.1.27. allow_mail

14.1.28. lead_source_value

14.1.29. lead_source_label

14.1.30. rating_value

14.1.31. rating_label

14.1.32. lead_status_value

14.1.33. lead_status_label

14.1.34. owner_type

14.1.35. owner_id

14.1.36. business_process_flow_id

14.1.37. stage_pending_on

14.1.38. BUSINEES FLOW: phan tich sau

14.2. ain_lead_campaigns

14.2.1. id

14.2.2. lead_id

14.2.3. campaign_id


15.1. ain_cases

15.1.1. customer_entity_id

15.1.2. customer_entity_type

15.1.3. customer_entity_record_id

15.1.4. title - n - 255

15.1.5. subject - smallint (hard code FE)

15.1.6. case_type_value

15.1.7. case_type_label

15.1.8. contact_id

15.1.9. assign_id

15.1.10. assign_type

15.1.11. parent_id

15.1.12. origin_value

15.1.13. origin_label

15.1.14. product_id

15.1.15. entitlement_id

15.1.16. first_response_by_id

15.1.17. first_response_by_type

15.1.18. resolve_by_id

15.1.19. resolve_by_type

15.1.20. description

16. Contact

16.1. ain_contacts

16.1.1. dsads

16.1.2. full_name - nvarchar(600)

16.1.3. last_name - n - 255

16.1.4. fist_name - n - 255

16.1.5. job_title - n - 255

16.1.6. account_contact_id

16.1.7. email - n- 255

16.1.8. business_phone - n - 30

16.1.9. mobile_phone - n - 30

16.1.10. fax - n - 30

16.1.11. prefered_method_value: smallint

16.1.12. perfered_method_label - n - 255

16.1.13. address_stree_1(2)(3) - n - 1000

16.1.14. city (input ) - n - 255

16.1.15. state_id

16.1.16. province_id

16.1.17. country_id

16.1.18. postal_code - n - 10

16.1.19. lat - n - 50

16.1.20. lng - n - 50

16.1.21. company_record_id

16.1.22. company_entity_id

16.1.23. company_entity_type

16.1.24. gender_value

16.1.25. gender_label

16.1.26. marital_status_label

16.1.27. marital_status_value

16.1.28. partner_name - n - 255

16.1.29. birthday: bigint

16.1.30. anniversary: bigint

16.1.31. notes - n - 2000

16.1.32. original_lead_entity_id

16.1.33. original_lead_entity_type

16.1.34. original_lead_record_id

16.1.35. last_campaign_date: bigint

16.1.36. marketing_material: bit

16.1.37. currency_id

16.1.38. credit_limit :money

16.1.39. credit_hold: bit

16.1.40. payment_terms_value

16.1.41. payment_terms_label

16.1.42. shipping_method_value

16.1.43. shipping_method_label

16.1.44. contact_method_value

16.1.45. contact_method_label

16.1.46. allow_send_email - bit

16.1.47. allow_follow_email - bit

16.1.48. allow_bulk_email - bit

16.1.49. allow_phone - bit

16.1.50. allow_fax - bit

16.1.51. allow_mail - bit

16.1.52. owner_id

16.1.53. owner_type - smallint

16.1.54. follow - bit

16.1.55. lead_id

16.2. ain_contact_cases

16.2.1. ain_contact_id

16.2.2. ain_case_id

16.3. ain_contact_opportunities

16.3.1. ain_contact_id

16.3.2. ain_opportunity_id

16.4. ain_contact_entitilements

16.4.1. ain_contact_id

16.4.2. ain_entitilement_id

17. Dynamic

17.1. ain_dynamic_pages

17.1.1. id

17.1.2. title

17.1.3. url

17.1.4. layout - ntext Definition Json [1]: Component


18.1. ain_business_process_flows

18.1.1. entity_id

18.1.2. name - n - 255

18.2. ain_business_process_stages

18.2.1. business_process_flow_id

18.2.2. name

18.2.3. stage_order - int stage 1,2,3,4...

18.2.4. description

18.3. ain_business_process_steps

18.3.1. business_process_stage_id

18.3.2. entity_field_id

18.3.3. is_required - bit

18.4. ain_business_process_trackings

18.4.1. entity_id

18.4.2. business_process_flow_id

18.4.3. business_process_stage_id

18.4.4. entity_record_id

18.4.5. name_entity

19. Activities

19.1. ain_activities_appointment_detail

19.1.1. activities_appointment_id

19.1.2. entity_id

19.1.3. entity_type

19.1.4. entity_record_id

19.1.5. type required regarding optional

19.2. ain_activities_task

19.2.1. subject

19.2.2. description

19.2.3. due_date

19.2.4. priority normal high low

19.2.5. owner_type

19.3. ain_activities_phone_calls

19.3.1. description - nvarchar(2000)

19.3.2. due_date - bigint

19.3.3. call_with

19.3.4. entity_id

19.3.5. entity_type

19.3.6. entity_record_id

19.3.7. direction incoming outgoing

19.4. ain_activities_posts

19.4.1. post_content - nvarchar(1000)

19.4.2. entity_id

19.4.3. entity_type

19.4.4. entity_record_id

19.4.5. parent_id

19.5. ain_activities_email

19.5.1. from_email - (map with userID) - guid

19.5.2. subject_name

19.5.3. due_date: bigint

19.5.4. priority

19.5.5. owner_type

19.5.6. body - nvarchar(max)

19.5.7. regarding_entity_id

19.5.8. regarding_entity_type

19.5.9. regarding_entity_record_id

19.5.10. sender_id - guid

19.6. ain_activities_appointment

19.6.1. subject

19.6.2. location

19.6.3. priority

19.6.4. owner_type

19.6.5. start_time

19.6.6. end_time

19.6.7. duration_value

19.6.8. duration_label

19.6.9. description

19.7. ain_activities_email_header

19.7.1. activities_email_id

19.7.2. email

19.7.3. email_type cc to bcc

19.7.4. entity_type

19.7.5. entity_id

19.8. ain_activities_attachment

19.8.1. file_name

19.8.2. file_size

19.8.3. file_path

19.8.4. type activity_email activity_appointment

19.8.5. activities_mail_id

19.9. ain_activities_appointment

19.9.1. subject

19.9.2. location

19.9.3. priority

19.9.4. owner_type

19.9.5. start_time

19.9.6. end_time

19.9.7. duration_value

19.9.8. duration_label

19.9.9. description

20. Database Convention

20.1. active = 1

20.2. deactive = 0

20.3. id : guid

20.4. date: timestamp

20.5. string: nvarchar

20.5.1. email,file: nvarchar(255)

20.6. avatar: base 64

20.7. ain_crm_[tablename]

20.8. colume name: use lower case

20.9. Words are separated with underscores

21. Relation Ship

21.1. Sites (1) - (n) User

21.2. Company (n) - (n) Site

21.3. Business_unit_id (1) - (0..n) User

21.4. User (1) - (0..1) Position

21.5. Security_role (1) - (1) Business Unit

22. Not Complete

22.1. ain_account_connection

22.2. ain_industries

22.3. ain_leads

22.4. ain_entititlements

22.5. ain_marketing_lists

22.6. ain_account_childs


23.1. ain_quotes

23.1.1. quote_code: n 20

23.1.2. revision_id: int

23.1.3. name

23.1.4. currency_id

23.1.5. price_list_id

23.1.6. shipping_method_value

23.1.7. shipping_method_label

23.1.8. payment_terms_value

23.1.9. payment_terms_label

23.1.10. bill_to_address: same account address - 7 fields

23.1.11. ship_to_value

23.1.12. ship_to_label

23.1.13. ship_to_address: same bill_to_address above

23.1.14. detail_amount: same detail amount opportunity - 7 fields

23.1.15. total_amount: money

23.1.16. effective_from: bigint

23.1.17. effective_to: bigint

23.1.18. owner_id

23.1.19. owner_type: smallint

23.1.20. opportunity_id

23.1.21. potential_entity_id

23.1.22. potential_entity_type: smallint

23.1.23. potential_entity_recored_id

23.1.24. description: n 2000

23.2. ain_quote_products

23.2.1. quotes_id

23.2.2. product_id

23.2.3. unit_id

23.2.4. price_per_unit: money

23.2.5. quantity: decimal

23.2.6. discount: money

23.2.7. extend_amount: money

24. Invoices

24.1. ain_invoices

24.1.1. invoice_code: n 20

24.1.2. name

24.1.3. currency_id

24.1.4. price_list_id

24.1.5. prices_locked: bit

24.1.6. date_delivery: bigint

24.1.7. due_date: bigint

24.1.8. shipping_method_value

24.1.9. shipping_method_label

24.1.10. payment_terms_value

24.1.11. payment_terms_label

24.1.12. ADDRESS : same quotes

24.1.13. SHIP_TO: same quotes

24.1.14. DETAIL_AMOUNT: same quotes

24.1.15. opportunity_id

24.1.16. order_id

24.1.17. potential_entity_id

24.1.18. potential_entity_type

24.1.19. potential_record_id

24.1.20. description

24.1.21. total_amount: money

24.1.22. invoice_status_label

24.1.23. invoice_status_value

24.1.24. status_reason_label

24.1.25. status_reason_value

24.1.26. owner_id

24.1.27. owner_type

25. Logic Search View

25.1. ain_view_conditions

25.1.1. view_id

25.1.2. conditions

25.2. ain_views

25.2.1. name

25.2.2. scripts: n max

25.2.3. entity_id

25.2.4. type : smallint (1: viewlist, 2:detail)

25.3. ain_view_fields

25.3.1. field_name: <key>

25.3.2. view_id

25.3.3. entity_id

25.4. ain_languages

25.4.1. name

25.5. ain_language_values

25.5.1. language_id

25.5.2. key

25.5.3. value

26. Assign & Follows

26.1. ain_user_follows

26.1.1. user_team_id - guid

26.1.2. entity_id - guid Account, contact...., reference to table entity

26.1.3. entity_type - smallint user or team

26.1.4. entity_record_id - guid

26.2. ain_user_assigns

26.2.1. user__team_id - guid

26.2.2. entity_id - guid Account, contact...., reference to table entity

26.2.3. entity_type - smallint user or team

26.2.4. entity_record_id - guid

27. Marketing

27.1. ain_marketing_list

27.1.1. name - nvarchar(255)

27.1.2. list_type_value

27.1.3. list_type_label

27.1.4. purpose - nvarchar(500)

27.1.5. targeted_at_value - uuid

27.1.6. targeted_at_label

27.1.7. source - nvarchar(500)

27.1.8. currency_id - uuid

27.1.9. cost: money

27.1.10. owner_id

27.1.11. owner_type

27.1.12. is_locked - bit

27.1.13. description - nvarchar(2000)

27.1.14. last_used_on - bigint

27.2. ain_marketing_list_members

27.2.1. member_id - uuid

27.2.2. member_type

27.2.3. member_entity

27.3. ain_marketing_list_campaigns

27.3.1. marketing_list_id

27.3.2. campaign_id

27.4. ain_marketing_list_quick_campaigns

27.4.1. marketing_list_id

27.4.2. quick_campaign_id

27.5. ain_view_mapping_combos

27.5.1. code - nvarchar(255)

27.5.2. view_id - uuid

27.5.3. entity - nvarchar(255)

27.5.4. display: nvarchar(255)

27.6. ain_campaigns

27.6.1. name - nvarchar(255)

27.6.2. campaign_code - nvarchar(255)

27.6.3. currency_id - uuid

27.6.4. campaign_type_value

27.6.5. campaign_type_label

27.6.6. expected_response - int (0 - 100)

27.6.7. proposed_start - bigint

27.6.8. proposed_end - bigint

27.6.9. actual_start - bigint

27.6.10. actual_end - bigint

27.6.11. offer - nvarchar(2000)

27.6.12. activity_cost - money

27.6.13. misc_cost - money

27.6.14. allocated_budget - money

27.6.15. total_cost - money

27.6.16. description - nvarchar(2000)

27.6.17. owner_id

27.6.18. owner_type

27.6.19. is_template - bit

27.6.20. estimated_revenue - money

27.6.21. status_label

27.6.22. status_value

27.7. ain_campaign_responses

27.7.1. subject - nvarchar(255)

27.7.2. customer_id

27.7.3. customer_type

27.7.4. customer_entity

27.7.5. company_name - nvarchar(255)

27.7.6. last_name - nvarchar(255)

27.7.7. first_name - nvarchar(255)

27.7.8. phone - nvarchar(30)

27.7.9. email - nvarchar(255)

27.7.10. description - nvarchar(2000)

27.7.11. promotion_code - nvarchar(255)

27.7.12. related_campaign_id

27.7.13. response_code_value

27.7.14. response_code_label

27.7.15. channel_label

27.7.16. channel_value

27.7.17. outsourced_vendor_id

27.7.18. outsourced_vendor_type

27.7.19. outsourced_vendor_entity

27.7.20. owner_id

27.7.21. owner_type

27.7.22. priority_value

27.7.23. priority_label

27.7.24. received_on - bigint

27.7.25. close_on - bigint

27.7.26. status_value

27.7.27. status_label

27.8. ain_campaign_communities

27.8.1. record_id

27.8.2. campaign_id

27.8.3. type

27.8.4. entity

27.9. ain_campaign_activities

27.9.1. subject - nvarchar(255) campaign_id type_value type_label channel_value channel_label outsourced_vendors_id outsourced_vendors_type outsourced_vendors_entity description - nvarchar(2000) scheduled_start - bigint scheduled_end - bigint actual_start - bigint actual_end - bigint currency_id allocated_budget - money actual_cost - money no_of_days - int priority_value priority_label status_value status_label owner_id owner_type

27.10. ain_campaign_activity_marketing_list

27.10.1. marketing_list_id

27.10.2. campaign_activity_id

27.11. ain_quick_campaigns

27.11.1. name - nvarchar(255)

27.11.2. activity_type_value

27.11.3. activity_type_label

27.11.4. owner_id

27.11.5. owner_type

27.11.6. is_mark_email - bit

27.11.7. no_of_success - int

27.11.8. no_of_failures - int

27.11.9. error_details - nvarchar(500)

27.11.10. member_type_value

27.11.11. member_type_label

27.11.12. status_reason_value

27.11.13. status_reason_label

28. das

29. Business

29.1. business_unit _CAN REVIEW LAI COT CHUA json

29.1.1. id

29.1.2. name

29.1.3. parent_id

29.1.4. main_phone

29.1.5. other_phone

29.1.6. fax

29.1.7. email

29.1.8. website

29.1.9. bill_to_address_street_1

29.1.10. bill_to_address_street_2

29.1.11. bill_to_address_street_3

29.1.12. ship_to_address_street_1

29.1.13. ship_to_address_street_2

29.1.14. ship_to_address_street_3

29.1.15. status active deactive

29.1.16. team_id

29.1.17. (list_facility_equipment)

29.2. business_closure

29.2.1. id

29.2.2. name

29.2.3. start_time

29.2.4. end_time

29.2.5. duration

29.2.6. status

29.3. fiscal_year

29.3.1. id

29.3.2. fiscal_year

29.3.3. start_time

29.3.4. end_time

29.3.5. prefix

29.3.6. postfix

29.3.7. year_format (const) YY YYYY

29.3.8. period (const) Q1 P1

29.3.9. display_format (const)

30. Common

30.1. timezones (gmt)

30.1.1. id

30.1.2. name

30.1.3. display_order

30.1.4. status active deactive

30.1.5. Country

30.2. ain_data_type

30.2.1. field_name

30.3. ain_form

30.3.1. id

30.3.2. entity_id : (Account, Contact)

30.3.3. name

30.3.4. fields : ntext

30.4. ain_layout

30.4.1. id

30.4.2. entity_id

30.4.3. page_type : nvarchar

30.4.4. content : ntext

31. Facility Equipment

31.1. facility_equipment_detail

31.1.1. id

31.1.2. date

31.1.3. work_hour_from / work_hour_to (unixtime) case one day Minwork: 1h Validate Break: 15' <= time <= minwork case same working day case not same working day

31.1.4. type (constant) WORKING_HOUR BREAK_TIME

31.1.5. timezone

31.2. facility_equipments

31.2.1. id

31.2.2. name

31.2.3. site_id

31.2.4. business_unit_id

31.2.5. primary_email

31.2.6. timezone

31.2.7. description

31.2.8. status

32. Security

32.1. role_field_member (step 3)

32.1.1. id

32.1.2. role_field_id

32.1.3. user_id

32.2. security_role_field_action (step 2)

32.2.1. id

32.2.2. role_field_id

32.2.3. resource_name

32.2.4. field_name

32.2.5. permission (bitwise)

32.2.6. status

32.3. user_security_roles

32.3.1. id

32.3.2. user_id

32.3.3. security_role_id

32.4. security_role_fields (step 1)

32.4.1. id

32.4.2. name

32.4.3. status

32.5. security_role_permission_action

32.5.1. id

32.5.2. security_role_id

32.5.3. resource_name

32.5.4. entity_id

32.5.5. permission (bitwise)

32.5.6. status active deactive

32.6. security_roles

32.6.1. id

32.6.2. name

32.6.3. status active deactive

33. Accounts

33.1. ain_account_entitlements

33.1.1. account_id

33.1.2. entitlement_id

33.2. ain_account

33.2.1. 1. id (nvarchar(160))

33.2.2. 2. name (nvarchar)

33.2.3. 3. phone - nvarchar(50)

33.2.4. 4. fax - nvarchar(50)

33.2.5. 5. website - nvarchar(255)

33.2.6. 6. account_parent_id - guid

33.2.7. 7. ticket_symbol - nvarchar(10)

33.2.8. 8. address_street_1 - nvarchar(1000)

33.2.9. 9. address_street_2 - varchar(1000)

33.2.10. 10. address_street_3 - varchar(1000)

33.2.11. 11. city (input) - nvarchar(255)

33.2.12. 12. state_id - guid

33.2.13. 13. province_id - guid

33.2.14. 14. postal_code - nvarchar(10)

33.2.15. 15. country_id - guid

33.2.16. 16. lat - nvarchar(50)

33.2.17. 17. lng - nvarchar(50)

33.2.18. 18. industry_value

33.2.19. 19. industry_label

33.2.20. 20. sic_code - nvarchar(20)

33.2.21. 21. description - nvarchar(1000)

33.2.22. 22. annual_revenue - money

33.2.23. 23. number_of_employees - int

33.2.24. 24. owner - guid

33.2.25. 25. owner_type - smallint 1: user 2: team

33.2.26. 26. primary_contact_id - guid

33.2.27. 27. email - nvarchar(255)

33.2.28. 28. business_phone - nvarchar(50)

33.2.29. 29. lead_id - guid

33.2.30. 30. last_campaign_date - bigint

33.2.31. 31. marketing_materials - bit

33.2.32. 32. contact_method_value - bigint

33.2.33. 33. contact_method_label - nvarchar(300)

33.2.34. 34. payment_term_value - bigint

33.2.35. 35. payment_term_label - nvarchar(255)

33.2.36. 36. shipping_method_value - bigint

33.2.37. 37. shipping_method_label - nvarchar(255)

33.2.38. 38. allow_send_email - bit

33.2.39. 39. allow_follow_email - bit

33.2.40. 40. allow_bulk_email - bit

33.2.41. 41. allow_phone - bit

33.2.42. 42. allow_fax - bit

33.2.43. 43. allow_mail - bit

33.2.44. 44. currency_id - guid

33.2.45. 45. credit_limit - money

33.2.46. 46. credit_hold - bit

33.2.47. 49. follow - bit

33.3. ain_account_contacts

33.3.1. account_id

33.3.2. contact_id

33.4. ain_account_opportunities

33.4.1. account_id

33.4.2. oppotunity_id

33.5. ain_account_cases

33.5.1. account_id

33.5.2. case_id

34. Country

34.1. provinces

34.1.1. id

34.1.2. name

34.1.3. code

34.1.4. lat

34.1.5. long

34.1.6. status active deactive

34.1.7. country_id

34.2. wards

34.2.1. id

34.2.2. name

34.2.3. status

34.2.4. district_id

34.3. districts

34.3.1. id

34.3.2. name

34.3.3. status active deactive

34.3.4. province_id

34.4. states

34.4.1. id

34.4.2. name

34.4.3. code

34.4.4. lat

34.4.5. long

34.4.6. status active deactive

34.4.7. country_id

34.5. countries

34.5.1. id

34.5.2. name

34.5.3. code

34.5.4. lat

34.5.5. long

34.5.6. status active deactive

34.5.7. is_has_state

34.5.8. is_has_province

34.6. sites

34.6.1. name

34.6.2. main_phone

34.6.3. other_phone

34.6.4. fax

34.6.5. timezone

34.6.6. address_street_1

34.6.7. address_street_2

34.6.8. address_street_3

34.6.9. city (input)

34.6.10. state/province

34.6.11. country_id

34.6.12. postcode

34.6.13. status active deactive

34.6.14. email

34.6.15. id

35. Currencies

35.1. currencies

35.1.1. currency_master_data_id

35.1.2. id

35.1.3. exchange_rate

35.2. currency_master_data

35.2.1. id

35.2.2. country

35.2.3. code

35.2.4. name

35.2.5. symbol

35.2.6. currency_precision

36. Organization

36.1. positions

36.1.1. id

36.1.2. name

36.1.3. parent_id

36.1.4. description

36.1.5. status active deactive

36.2. companies

36.2.1. id

36.2.2. name

36.2.3. address

36.2.4. prefer_address

36.2.5. other_address

36.2.6. main_phone

36.2.7. fax

36.2.8. status active deactive

36.3. user_profiles

36.3.1. id

36.3.2. username

36.3.3. fullname

36.3.4. title

36.3.5. primary_email

36.3.6. mobile_phone

36.3.7. main_phone

36.3.8. home_phone

36.3.9. order_phone

36.3.10. second_email

36.3.11. prefered_phone

36.3.12. fax

36.3.13. avatar scale image?

36.3.14. address

36.3.15. prefer_address

36.3.16. other_address

36.3.17. company_id

36.3.18. sites_id

36.3.19. business_unit_id

36.3.20. manager_id

36.3.21. position_id

36.3.22. *teams: save to list/json, reference to table TEAM

36.3.23. *roles: save to list/json, reference to table ROLE

36.3.24. last_login_on

36.3.25. status active deactive

36.4. users

36.4.1. id

36.4.2. user_domain

36.5. teams

36.5.1. id

36.5.2. name

36.5.3. business_unit_id

36.5.4. administrator_user_id

36.5.5. description