PGDip Project SDG

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PGDip Project SDG by Mind Map: PGDip Project SDG

1. 4. Quality education (SG)

1.1. Government Policies

1.2. Educator/Learner Ratios

1.3. Inequalities in Facilities

1.4. Poverty

1.5. Past Regimes

1.6. Corruption in Administration

1.7. Ineffective Service Providers

1.8. Geographical factors

1.9. Quality and Quantity of Educators

1.10. Past Regimes

1.11. Ageing Workforce

2. 14. Life Below Water (WS)

2.1. Pollution (waste, mercury, plastic)

2.2. Wastage of water

2.3. Over fishing

2.4. Carbon emissions destroying life under water

2.5. Desalination

2.6. Poaching rare/ specific species

3. 1. No Poverty (IVA)

3.1. Unemployment

3.2. Inflation

3.3. Poor management of resources

3.4. Government policies

3.5. Under-Education

3.6. Debt

3.7. Corruption

3.8. Lack of control in local food

3.9. Lack of access to education

3.10. Mental illness - lack of proper psychiatric care

3.11. Epidemic diseases

3.12. Automation - Technological Unemployment

3.13. Over Population

4. 2. Zero Hunger (IVA)

4.1. Climate

4.2. Water shortages

4.3. Genetically modified seeds

4.4. Labour

4.5. Population growth

4.6. Land utilization

4.7. Funding

4.8. Expensive farming methods

4.9. Inefficient farming practices

4.10. Resource intensive farming practices

4.10.1. Urban hydroponic farming and management

4.11. Knowledge on farming practices

5. 3. Good health and well-being (AL & IVA)

5.1. Poverty

5.2. Education and Awareness

5.3. Public Healthcare programs

5.4. Access to Healthcare Institutions

5.5. Cost Effective Medical Supplies

5.6. Poor Sanitary Conditions

5.7. Social Support Systems*

5.8. Prevention of new infections of communicable diseases

5.8.1. HIV

5.8.2. STIs

5.8.3. Flu

5.8.4. TB

5.9. Better treatment of diseases

5.10. Early detection of non communicable diseases

5.10.1. Awareness

5.10.2. Access to healthcare

5.11. Prevention of diseases

5.11.1. Excercise

5.11.2. Regular health checks

5.11.3. Diet

6. 5. Gender equality (SG)

6.1. Established belief systems

6.2. Culture and traditional beliefs

6.3. Previously male dominated disciplines

6.4. Ecologies

6.5. Religion

6.6. Economies

6.7. Socialization

6.8. Biology

6.9. race, class, sexual orientation, historical period

6.10. Natural arrangements for family requirements and raising children

6.11. Bad mentality

6.12. Education level

6.13. Empowerment

7. 6. Clean Water and Sanitation (AL)

7.1. Inadequate sanitation

7.2. Water shortages

7.3. Pollution by big companies

7.4. Poor communities - waste runoff into water streams

7.5. Infrastructure - old pipes, pipe network cannot reach far out communities

7.6. No direct water supply into homes - communal taps

7.7. Bucket system

7.8. Shared toilets - informal settlements

7.9. Dirty water - Madibeng; Temba/ Hammanskraal

8. 7. Affordable and Clean Energy (RB)

8.1. Expensive energy generation methods

8.2. cheapest energy is "dirty"

8.3. High cost of delivering energy to poor communities

8.4. Unemployment

8.5. Polluting energy sources

8.6. Renewable energy is expensive or perceived so (Emetere et al.)

9. 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth (RB)

9.1. Lack of proper education

9.2. Lack of external investments

9.3. political unrest

9.4. poor economic policies

9.5. poor governance

9.6. poor leadership in public and private sectors

9.7. Trade Openness (Akinwale)

9.8. Unemployment

9.9. Infrastructural Investment/development

9.10. Saving & Investment

10. 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (JK)

10.1. resilient infrastructure

10.2. sustainable industrialization

10.3. access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises

10.4. upgrade infrastructure

10.5. Enhance scientific research

10.6. enhanced financial, technological and technical support

10.7. Support domestic technology development

10.7.1. Building of Bill of rights Chat bot tamagotchi in rural areas

10.8. Significantly increase access to information and communications technology

10.8.1. Alexa for South Africa

11. 10. Reduced Inequalities (AL)

11.1. Entrenched patriarchy

11.2. Racial prejudice

11.3. Unemployment

11.3.1. Low economic growth

11.4. Minimum vs living wage

11.5. Education linked to high growth/ need industries

11.6. Corruption - misused resources

11.7. Social inequaities

11.7.1. Access to good quality health care

11.7.2. Access to quality education

11.7.3. Access to quality education

11.7.4. Access to sanitation (including school pit toilets)

11.7.5. Mud schools

11.7.6. Access to technology - connectivity - consequent ability to look for opportunities

11.8. Equal opportunities for the disabled in practice

12. 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities (SG)

12.1. Lack of Automation

12.2. Geographical dispersion and disparity

12.3. Lack of affordable or free internet connectivity

12.4. Access to safe and efficient transport

12.5. Economy, mobility, security, education, living and environment.

12.6. Efficient Resource Allocation

13. 12. Responsible Consumption and Production (CM)

13.1. Sustainable Farming Practice

13.2. Water Management

13.3. Land Management

13.4. Reduce CO2 Emissions

13.5. Technology (Drones)

13.6. Going Green

13.7. ZERO Plastic

13.8. Efficient use of natural resources

14. 15. Life on Land (CM)

14.1. Deforrestation

14.2. Preservation of inland water systems

14.3. Animal Poaching

14.4. Biodiversity

14.5. Alien plant species

15. 17. Partnerships for the Goals

16. 16. Peace and Justice (JK)

16.1. reduce violence and related deaths

16.2. End abuse, against kids

16.3. Promote the rule of law

16.4. reduce illicit financial and arms flows

16.5. reduce corruption

16.6. transparent institutions

16.7. representative decision-making

16.8. participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance

16.9. legal identity

16.10. Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms

16.10.1. Bill of Rights Chat bot in all official languages. Concerns requires a smart phone. Bill of rights chat bot tamagotchi?

16.11. prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime

16.12. non-discriminatory laws

17. Burning of coal in Alex during winter time causing a photochemical smog over JHB

17.1. WHY

18. Because people use coal for cooking and heating