Why coaching in the moment is the best kind of coaching you can do?

Why coaching in the moment is the best kind of coaching you can do?

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Why coaching in the moment is the best kind of coaching you can do? by Mind Map: Why coaching in the moment is the best kind of coaching you can do?

1. Why instant feedback works best

2. Being in a position to coach agents while an exchange with a customer is still fresh in their memory lends a freshness and a force to the training that cannot be replicated by classroom-based coaching. The spontaneity of coaching in the moment means that it registers more deeply with the person being coached and is more likely to be acted on. Here are our 5 top tips for coaching in the moment.

2.1. • Offer praise more often than constructive criticism

2.2. • Guide don’t tell - let the individuals work out the best way to have handled a situation

2.3. • Work with your staff – we all perform better when we have the support of others

2.4. • Ensure development plans are within the scope of the individual – don’t leave your employees with too big a mountain climb; they will get disheartened

2.5. • Follow up and follow-through – monitor performance to ensure the coaching has led to improvement; identify the next stage for improvement.

3. If you have any thoughts or experiences you'd like to share about coaching in the moment please don't hesitate to share with each other.

4. Putting a smile on the face of colleagues (i.e. making them happy) is the goal : ). High productivity is the outcome, not the goal.