by Trenton Waters
1. Ecology Pyramid
1.1. Producers (Autotrophs)
1.2. Primary consumers (heterotrophs/herbivores/omnivores)
1.3. Secondary Consumers (heterotrophs/carnivores/omnivores)
1.4. Decomposers
2. Food Chain
2.1. Food Chain – shows one possible set of feeding relationships.
3. Food Web
3.1. Food Web – shows all possible feeding relationships.
4. Parasitism
4.1. One organism lives at the expense of another. +/-
5. Commensalism
5.1. One organism benefits by living on/in another, but does not harm its host. +/N
6. Mutialism
6.1. Both Organism Benifeit +/+
7. Symbiosis
7.1. Parasitism
7.2. Commensilism
7.3. Mutualism
8. Population
8.1. A group of organisms of the same species that live in a given area.
9. Ecosystem
9.1. All biotic and abiotic factors in a given place at a given time.
10. Community
10.1. All populations in a given area at a given time.
11. Limiting Factors
11.1. Density-Dependent Predation Parasitism Competition Food Water Shelter Space
11.2. Density-Independent Weather Fires Drought Floods Hurricanes Human Activities
12. Graphs
12.1. J-curve
12.2. S-curve
12.3. Boom & Bust Graph