Men Should Weep 10 markers

Men Should Weep by Ena Lamont StewartSQA-Higher- 10 marker questions with commonality and other statements worth total of 8 marks per question plus extract (2)

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Men Should Weep 10 markers by Mind Map: Men Should Weep 10 markers

1. John's development

1.1. At first unrelenting, demanding and authoritative in nature. An imposing figure. Fierce in his treatment of others as he demands respect.

1.2. Gradually forced to admit his vulnerabilities and failings. Becomes a broken man, unable to face the reality of his shame.

1.3. Comes in clutching books. Handsome, self assured, declares women have 'nae system'. This illustrates that John feels that it is his responsibility to be the breadwinner of the family.

1.4. React violently to Jenny when he drags her back into the house from the close. This shows that he takes his role as her father seriously.

1.5. John is ashamed as he realizes that he has provided poorly for his family. This shows that he feels like he has disappointed everyone and himself.

1.6. He refuses to help Maggie around the house calling it 'Jessie's business' showing that he believes a man belongs at work.

1.7. John is concerned about what everyone is doing, especially when Maggie hits Isa. Showing he wants to protect his family and he worries for their safety.

1.8. He tells Lily to be quite and keep her opinions to herself. He then realizes his mistake and stay quite for the rest of the scene. Indicating that he realizes he has failed his family.

2. Maggie's development

2.1. At first downtrodden and struggling to cope but loyal to John

2.2. Becomes increasingly unwilling to accept the situation that she is in and beings to challenge/replace John as the head of the family.

2.3. House in a state of clutter and disorder at the start of the play. This illustrates that Maggie is overwhelmed and understrain

2.4. Treats her children harshly, giving the boys a 'clout' and smacking Edie who is excitedly showing her Auntie Lily her dance. This shows she is frustrated with her current position.

2.5. Maggie supports John and constantly defends him, emphasizing that she fulfills the traditional role of a woman and she does nothing to challenge her position.

2.6. Maggie leaves after she is informed that Jenny is leaving home and of Bertie's condition. Showing at this point in the play she feels completely isolated for the household.

2.7. After her outburst she realizes she must orchestrate change, highlighting that she is breaking the stereotypes of women at the time.

2.8. When she says 'there will be flowers', this indicates that she is hopeful for the future and she now has a positive outlook on life.

3. Jenny's development

3.1. Self-centred and immature in the early stages of the play- she has had enough and is only concerned with escaping.

3.2. Returns a more responsible and caring woman. Having found her own happiness, she feels compelled to take responsibility and protect her famiy

3.3. Refuses to hand wages over to John and Maggie. This illustrates her immaturity at the beginning of the play.

3.4. Is found laughing with a man in the close. Flaunting her rebellion on front of John. This shows her uncaring and disrespectful attitude.

3.5. She threatens to leave home, this shows the contrast between her and her brother Alec. She is hardworking and independent while he is weak and deceitful.

3.6. Jenny is disrespectful towards the neighbors as she refuses to let them know about her plans to leave home. Showing she is too scared to tell her parents.

3.7. She goes to visit Bertie in hospital showing she is a catalyst for change, demonstrating to her younger siblings that is possible to better themselves

3.8. Jenny is a character that matures on her return as she apologizes to John showing how much people can change

4. Maggie's role

4.1. She personifies the hardships that working class women of her generation would have faced.

4.2. Reflective of the traditional outlook of women of her time but also their underlying strength and determination.

4.3. Maggie defends John against Lily's accusations that he is responsible for their situation. This shows that she is loyal to her husband and affectionate towards him.

4.4. Feels compelled to look after Granny, even though this constitutes another mouth to feed. This shows that the character conforms to the traditional role of a house maker.

4.5. Maggie has an argument with Mrs Harris about her children having lice, showing she is proud of her family and will not be accused of being dirty and lazy.

4.6. She tries not to let news about Bertie's condition get out, as she is scared outside agencies will become involved. Highlighting the detrimental impact poverty is having on her wellbeing.

4.7. Her abandonment of the family for a short while, highlights how fed up she is of her current situation. She becomes determined to make changes in the household.

4.8. She mocks John on front of the family forcing him to face reality, this allows her to seize control and create a positive future for the family.

5. Theme of love

5.1. Maggie does everything and anything for the ones she loves at the beginning of the play, leaving her overwhelmed and exhausted by her situation.

5.2. John feels he has a role as Jenny's father to be respected by her and protect her. His anger after seeing her with a man out in the close demonstrates that he wants her to lead a better life than he did.

5.3. Lizzie's love for Granny is superficial as she is only after her money, highlighting her selfish and careless personality.

5.4. Alec and Isa have a very volatile relationship, which involves a lot of arguing, this leads to them having a few physical altercations demonstrating that their romance lacks stability and involves jealousy.

5.5. Although Jenny is embarrassed by her family at the beginning of the play, by the end, she has returned offering to help her parents move into a council house, demonstrating the maturity of her character and her love for her parents.

5.6. Maggie is protective and defensive of her family, this can be seen when she has an argument with Mrs Harris about lice, showing she will not be accused of slacking off.

5.7. Maggie and John's romance is very discreet, they feel no need to display it to the world. Which demonstrates security and trust within the relationship

5.8. Lily shows her compassion for Maggie by helping her look after her family and take care of the house. On multiple occasions she brings Maggie food suggesting that she wants the best for her sister.

6. Theme of Marriage

6.1. Maggie and John both feel secure within their relationship and feel no need to prove their love for each other to anyone else.

6.2. There is a power shift within the marriage at the end of the play as Maggie takes charge and John crumbles as he contemplates his mistakes.

6.3. Alec and Isa have a very volatile relationship, which involves a lot of arguing, this leads to them having a few physical altercations demonstrating that their romance lacks stability and involves jealousy.

6.4. Lily does not believe in marriage, on multiple occasions she tells Maggie that she believes Johns motives are sinster, she is convinced the marriage will eventually fail , highlighting her modern and feminist views towards the idea of marriage.

6.5. When John says women 'have nae system' this shows that he fulfills the traditional role of a male in marriage at that time. He loves Maggie but does very little to help her around the house, emphasizing the roles which existed in a marriage at the time.

6.6. Maggie walks out on her family, as her frustration overwhelms her. This forces John to see that he needs to change his attitudes and opinions. This event is the catalyst for change within the relationship.

6.7. John's hypocritical nature is highlight when he stops Jenny for being with a man in the close. Maggie and John were like that before, demonstrating that John's role as Jenny's father is to protect her, he only wants the best for her.

6.8. Maggie mocks John on front of Lily this shows she now has more confidence within herself and wants the roles in the marriage to change.

7. Theme of Community

7.1. Mrs Harris is summoned by her husband, demonstrating that although all the women have difficult domestic lives they still do their best to help one another.

7.2. Mrs Harris informs Maggie about Alec and Isa's house falling down, showing that they care for the family and want to ensure that Maggie is supported through difficult times.

7.3. The neighbors offer to look in on Maggie, after Granny is taken to Lizzie's house, showing how willing they are to help her.

7.4. Lily buys Maggie gloves for Christmas, as a result Mrs Wilson makes a snide remark but she also shows grave concern for Bertie, showing the neighbors do have the families best interests at heart

7.5. The neighbors stop Lizzie from stealing Maggie's food, showing that they are aware of the the struggles she is going through and want to defend what she has worked so hard for.

7.6. The neighbors come to visit Maggie on Christmas Day, emphasizing how they are concerned about the family and want to check if they are ok.

7.7. The neighbors and Maggie discuss romance, acknowledging the genuine love between John and Maggie, showing they only want Maggie to be happy.

7.8. The neighbors also inform Maggie when they see Jenny walking in the streets 'looking a right old state'. Highlighting that they want to help Maggie keep her family safe.

8. John's role

8.1. Personifies the traditional, chauvinistic view of men. Believes he is the head of the house and the family

8.2. In reality, fails to live unto this role and is ineffectual as a father, husband and provider. Highlights the narrow limitations of such a view.

8.3. Delibertley winds Lily up, declaring women have 'nae system'. This shows that John does very little to help Maggie around the house, fulfilling the traditional role of a man in the house.

8.4. Makes several excuses for his inability to find work. Blames the government. This illustrates the mass unemployment that existed at the time.

8.5. John offers to go and see Bertie. This shows his love for Maggie is sincere and he only wants the best for her.

8.6. John refuses Jenny's offer of paying his rent, showing that he represents male pride as he feels ashamed that he isn't the one paying the rent, he doesn't like that it has got to this point.

8.7. When John winks at Maggie, this shows the cencerity of their love and he feels no need to display it to the world.

8.8. At the end, John sinks into a chair and covers his face with his hand, showing that John realizes his mistakes and Maggie is there to support him through is struggle.

8.9. Represents the changing aspirations and values of a young woman. She is a frequent source of conflict between John and Maggie, causing tension in their relationship.

9. Jenny's role

9.1. The catalyst for change in the family's situation; she forces John to face his hypocritical ideas.

9.2. Argument with John when she comes home late undermines his authority. This shows the shame that was brought on young women and her role as a rebellious teenager.

9.3. Fuelled by her friendship with Ids, she is unkind and dismissive of Lily and Granny. This shows her embarrassment of her family at the beginning of the play.

9.4. Jenny calls the house a 'midden' indicating her ungratefulness to what her parents have tried to provide for her, showing she in not willing to help her family when they need her most.

9.5. She informs her parents that she has contemplated committing suicide revealing the struggles people face when they are separated for her family.

9.6. The neighbors tell Lily and Maggie that they saw Jenny out on the streets and that she was a 'right mess' showing how stubborn she is.

9.7. She represents hope for her family on her return as she informs Maggie that they could move to a council house to improve Bertie's health.