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Build a podcast by Mind Map: Build a podcast

1. Equipment

1.1. Skype

1.2. Call Recorder

1.2.1. Record in Skype

1.2.2. Convert to mp3

1.3. Mic

1.3.1. Heil PR40

1.3.2. Plantronics 655

1.4. Mixer

1.5. Digital recorder

1.6. Editing

1.6.1. Garageband

1.6.2. Audacity

1.6.3. Tagging software

1.6.4. Leveling software

2. Idea

2.1. Hobby?

2.2. Unique knowledge

2.3. Debatable area

2.4. Business education

3. Distribution

3.1. Hosting

3.2. Listen in browser

3.3. iTunes connection

3.3.1. Album art

3.3.2. Reviews/Comments

3.4. Sharing

3.4.1. Visitor sharing from original post

3.4.2. Twitter Handle Hootsuite distribution

3.4.3. Listen in Facebook