Native Americans

Native American mind-map

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Native Americans by Mind Map: Native Americans

1. Bering Strait

1.1. Walked from Asia to the Americas

1.2. 12, 000 - 30,000 years ago

2. Population

2.1. Over 10 million Native Americans 15th century

2.1.1. Less than 300, 000 - 19th century

2.2. Over 2, 000 tribes - 15th Century

2.2.1. Less than 500 recognized tribes - 21st Century

3. Conflict

3.1. other tribes

3.1.1. The Lakota vs the Omaha tribe

3.1.2. The Comanches vs the Apache

3.1.3. The Lakotah vs the Cheyenne

3.2. White settles

3.2.1. Battle of Little Big Horn

3.2.2. Battle of Wabash

3.2.3. Sandcreek Massacre

3.3. weapons

3.3.1. guns

3.3.2. horses

3.3.3. bows and arrows

4. Housing

4.1. teepees

4.1.1. made from buffalo skin

4.1.2. Great plain tribes

4.2. wigwams

4.2.1. Cone shaped shelters

4.2.2. Northeast, Eastern Woodlands tribes

4.3. igloos

4.4. earth lodges

5. Regions

5.1. Great Plains

5.2. South west

5.3. North west coast

5.4. South east

5.5. Great Basin

6. Religion

6.1. Stories

6.2. Great Spirit

6.3. Totem poles

6.3.1. Burial poles

6.3.2. Legend poles

6.3.3. sign of affluence

6.3.4. Memorial poles

6.3.5. shame pole

6.4. Dances

6.4.1. rain dance

6.4.2. Buffalo dance

6.4.3. Pow wow dances

6.5. Songs

6.5.1. morning song

6.5.2. welcome song

6.6. Rites of passage

6.6.1. drug taking

6.6.2. starvation