Anaplastic astrocytoma

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Anaplastic astrocytoma by Mind Map: Anaplastic astrocytoma

1. How is it treated?

1.1. surgery

1.2. radiotherapy

1.3. chemotherapy (Drugs)

1.3.1. Temozolomide

1.3.2. Avastin

1.3.3. Matulane

1.3.4. Camptosar

1.3.5. carmustine

1.3.6. Vincristine

2. Characteristics

2.1. Grows faster

2.2. Tumor cells are not uniform in appearance

2.3. Invades neighboring tissue

2.4. ⦁Most common among adults aged 30-50

2.5. Most common in men than women

3. How is it diagnose? (tests)

3.1. CT SCAN

3.2. MRI

3.3. MRS

3.4. Lumbar puncture

4. What causes it

4.1. change in genetic structure

4.2. Exposure to certain chemicals

4.2.1. petrochemicals

4.2.2. pesticides

4.2.3. formaldehyde

4.3. High-dose ionizing radiation

5. Symptoms

5.1. Headache and lethargy

5.2. Visual loss

5.3. Weakness

5.4. Seizure

5.5. Personality changes

5.6. Speech problems

6. Signs

6.1. Hormonal abnormalities

6.2. Compression of surrounding brain structures

6.3. Focal neurologic déficit

7. Differential Diagnosis

7.1. Stroke

7.2. Brain abscess

7.3. Lymphoma

7.4. Gioblastoma multiforme