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ASL Interpreting by Mind Map: ASL Interpreting

1. What is the salary for ASL Interpreters?

1.1. What is the salary for Interpreters in Odessa, Tx?

1.2. What is the salary for interpreters in Austin, Tx?

1.2.1. My mother is an interpreter in Austin. I will ask her

2. What is the working environment for ASL Interpreters?

2.1. What is the environment like for video relay interpreters?

2.2. What is the environment like for Interpreters in a school setting?

2.2.1. I will look this up on google.

3. What is the required education to become an ASL interpreter?

3.1. Whats the required education for a freelance interpreter?

3.2. What is the required education for a video relay Interpreter?

3.2.1. I'm going to ask my cousin who is an ASL Interpreter

4. What is the job security like for ASL Interpreters?

4.1. Whats it like for Interpreters that involve the government?

4.2. Whats it like for Interpreters that involve interpreting for the doctors

4.2.1. Im going to look this up on google.