The Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore.

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The Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore. by Mind Map: The Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore.

1. Mount Rushmore Video

2. Mount Rushmore History

2.1. It is located in Black Hills National Forest in South Dakota.

2.2. Mount Rushmore depicts four U.S Presidents. It represents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Rosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

2.3. The purpose of the Monument is to honor those four Presidents.

2.4. The Monument took 14 years to complete. The project was led by Gutzo Borglum's. There was a lot of opposition towards the project. Many Native Americans in the area argued that it disrupted the natural environment. Gutzo worked to get funding for the project for years.

2.5. 400 workers worked to complete the Monument. They worked under extremely dangerous and hard conditions.

2.6. The Monument is named after New York lawyer Charles E. Rushmore who was an early visitor before the Monument was built.

3. Student Objectives

3.1. Students should be able to write about the history of the two monuments

3.2. Students should be able to locate the Monument on a Map.

3.3. Students should be able to recall specific important dates about the Monument.

3.4. Students should be able write and draw the specific characteristics of the Monuments.

3.5. Students should be able to explain the cultural significance of the Monuments.

4. Washington Monument Video

5. Washington Monument History

5.1. The designer of the Monument is Robert Mills.

5.2. The Monument was completed by Thomas Casey and finished by the United States Corps of Engineers.

5.3. The Purpose of the Monument is to honor George Washington. It is a symbol of gratitude towards the founding fathers of the United States.

5.4. It was the tallest building in the world until 1884.

5.5. It took 36 years to build.

5.6. It is located in Washington D.C