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1. Crontab

1.1. wp-cron1.php

1.1.1. every blogs wp-cron.php

1.2. sendReminders.php

1.3. sendNotifications.php

1.4. fetch_data.php load channels

1.5. get_betsson_streams.php

1.6. download_mail.php

1.7. getOdds.php

1.8. checkLiveoddsStatus.php

1.9. checkMatchesWithClips.php

1.10. Radsoft.php

2. Import Matches

2.1. Databases

2.1.1. temp

2.1.2. tvmatchen_wp

2.1.3. tvmatchen_support

2.1.4. tvmatchen_stats

2.1.5. dwh_radsoft

2.2. Channels

2.3. Imported Mathes

3. Refactoring & Rebuilds

3.1. Hardcodes & Absolute Pathes

3.2. Unused scripts

3.3. Plugins

3.3.1. Svenska Spel

3.4. Widgets

3.5. Theme

3.6. Fetch Matches Data

3.6.1. Need refactor and transfer into a plugin

4. GIT

5. Multisites