Grouping Learnears

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Grouping Learnears by Mind Map: Grouping Learnears

1. How to make groups?

1.1. We need to considerer how we are going to put them in pairs o groups. Who is going to work with whom. We can base such decisions on any of one of following principles: a) Friendship b) Screaming c) Chance d) The task e) Chaniging groups f) Gender of status

2. Teacher behaviour before, during and after grouping.

2.1. Before: We will want to follow an 'engage-instruct-initiate sequence. Because students need to feel enthusiatic about what they going to do. Our instructions will involve a demostration. The important thing about the instructions is that the students should understand and agree of what the task is.

2.2. During: We have a number of options. We could stand at the front or the side of the class and keep an eye om what is happening. Another alternative is monitoring. Where we go round the class, watching and listening pairs or groups.

2.3. After: When pairs and groups stop working together, we need to organise a feedback. We want to let them discuss what ocurred during the group work session and add our own assessments and make corrections. A constructive feedback on the content of student work can greatly enhance students' future motivation.

3. Troubleshooting

3.1. We are seeing how well they are doing and deciding whether or not to go over and intervene. We are also keeping our eyes open for problems and how we can resolve it.

3.2. Finishing First: When some students finish earlier than the others.

3.3. Awkward groups: We need to observe how well students are interacting together.

4. Type of groups

4.1. Different groups. Whole-Class Teaching. Seating whole-group classes. Students on their own Pairwork Groupwork

5. In what relies the use of different groupings?

5.1. a) The Tasks b) Variety in a sequence c) The mood Also we have to think and believe that the activities going to be succesfuly.