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Geopolitics by Mind Map: Geopolitics

1. geopolitics and environmental displacement

1.1. it has become a global emergency situation

1.2. are forced to abandon their traditional habitat, either permanently or temporarily, due to environmental damage, natural causes or induced by human activities

1.3. the economic, cultural, political aspects

1.3.1. appears policies international legal regime human rights

2. Environment

2.1. It is the ecosystem equilibrium of the planet that guarantees life

2.2. is threatened by climate change

2.3. uso de gestión espacios geográficos

2.4. use of geographical spaces management

2.5. threats

2.5.1. shortage of natural resources

2.5.2. ecological risks

2.6. economic growth and environmental degradation

3. armad conflict and geopolitics

3.1. a generated

3.1.1. wars

3.1.2. arranged by the resources

3.1.3. violence

3.1.4. environmental social impactl

3.1.5. reduces access to natural and economic resources

3.1.6. violations of human rights

3.1.7. smuggling

3.1.8. narcotics

3.2. origin of violence

3.2.1. it rises in arms fight for the conquest of power land tenure forced displacement

3.3. government policy

3.3.1. with institutional framework Institutions dedicated to the exploitation of available resources It is important to build the political order, industrialization private and public board offers the best results To reduce the occurrences of armed conflict

4. geopolitocs and climate change

4.1. Se producen debido los problemas ambientales por el mal uso de los recursos naturales queda el hombre

4.2. explotación De los suelos en la agricultura la des forestación

4.3. afecta los recursos hídricos vayan desapareciendo lentamente