
Third Grade Fractions Mind Map

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Fractions by Mind Map: Fractions

1. Fraction as whole number

1.1. A fraction that has a 1 as denominator equals the whole number numerator.

2. Fraction Nil

2.1. A fraction with 0 as numerator is equal to 0.

3. Indefinite fraction

3.1. A fraction with zero as denominator does't exist.

4. Comparing fractions

4.1. Fractions same denominator

4.1.1. When 2 fractions have denominator, fraction with the biggest numerator is the greatest.

4.2. Fractions same numerator

4.2.1. When 2 fractions have the same numerator, the fraction with the biggest denominator is the least.

5. Unit fraction

5.1. A fraction that has 1 as numerator. It represents one part of a whole that has been divided into equal parts.

6. A fraction is a part of a whole

7. Equivalent fractions

7.1. Fractions that name the same part of a whole.