Kira Darou-Santos

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Kira Darou-Santos by Mind Map: Kira Darou-Santos

1. VIA Character Strengths Assessment

1.1. strengths

1.1.1. humor I love to bring a smile to everyone's faces and this can be shown in my friendships. Mot of them consist of laughing and having fun!

1.1.2. judgment I rely on facts and look at all sides of arguments. This especially helps me in debate because in order to have a solid argument, it cannot be refutable and attacks the other team.

1.1.3. teamwork I am a loyal and dedicated teammate. This helps be in group projects as I am able to work diligently and efficiently.

1.1.4. appreciation of beauty this helps me in classwork because whenever I understand a new concept, I appreciate the fact that it was challenging. Appreciation of beauty can fall under physical beauty, skills or morals.

1.1.5. creativity creativity helps me in school because I am able to think of out of the box ideas.

1.2. challenges

1.2.1. fairness sometimes I do let my personal feelings dictate my thoughts on people. This does not help me because sometimes I'm not so open minded when it comes to friendships.

1.2.2. zest personally I am not that optimistic and rather realistic. This can be shown in Rowing when I am racing. If I know someone is a lot faster than me, I would not try as hard as I should to beat them. This does not help me in the long run.

1.2.3. honesty apparently I'm not very down to earth and straightforward. I do not find this particularly true but I see how the test may have thought that. It may have been because of my judgment.

1.2.4. forgivness according to the test I hold grudges and dont forgive people for their wrongdoings. I find this somewhat true and it does appear in my personal life.

1.2.5. self regulation according to the test i am not very "in touch with my emotions". I normally do not notice this but I'd say this is particularly accurate with my friends.

1.3. motivations

1.3.1. factual evidence

1.3.2. innovative ideas

1.3.3. making people happy

2. Myers-Briggs Test

2.1. strengths

2.1.1. great analysis and abstract thinkers this is really prevalent in my classwork as I always try to think outside of the box and come up with creative ideas that differ from my peers.

2.1.2. enthusiastic I don't find this one of my strengths because a lot of the time I'm not motivated by work unless it is something I'm passionate about.

2.1.3. honest

2.2. challenges

2.2.1. private and withdrawn I would not say that I am private and withdrawn as normally with my friends I prefer to be more open. I'd guess this makes sense when around strangers because I'm normally not so open but with my close friends I most definitely am not private.

2.2.2. insensitive I do not think that I am insensitive rather I look realistically at situations. Some of my friends have told me that when they have an issue, I do not comfort them and rather give them the truth of what can be done.

2.2.3. second guess themselves I would definitely say that I second guess myself. This could link to be being slightly pessimistic but I do think that this is a good thing. When second guessing yourself you can make sure that whatever you do or say is right in your mind. If I'm writing a test I would rather look it over and think to myself that something is not right than just thinking I did ok.

2.3. motivations

2.3.1. creativity

2.3.2. privacy

2.3.3. honesty

3. Emotional Intelligence Test

3.1. strengths

3.1.1. easily deal with emotions and personality I find this somewhat true in my friendships.

3.1.2. trust their own judgments I definitely trust my own judgements and sometimes more than others.

3.1.3. perceive others feelings accurately I do not think this is true.

3.1.4. good social skills makes them likeable I would say this is somewhat true in relation to my relationships with friends and family.

3.1.5. straight forward and direct people I would say that this is true and it really helps me with debate because I can have more of a cohesive argument.

3.2. challenges

3.2.1. can underestimate themselves Peers around me say that I underestimate myself but I do not think so. I guess this means that I do

3.2.2. let their emotions influence their actions This is very true especially if I'm in arguments with friends.

3.2.3. obey impulse rather than rationality I do find this very true. If I have an assignment to do, I normally work in bursts rather than working straight and getting the job done.

3.2.4. not very flexible this can be true due to my extracurricular involvement. Being part of the rowing team and debate I can be at school for over 12 hours

3.2.5. normally do not initiate leadership this is normally true in the classroom but I try to initiate leadership when I can

3.3. motivations

3.3.1. very passionate people I do find this true when working on a project that I really enjoy, I can be very passionate and work very diligently

3.3.2. best at working autonomously prefer to work alone than with others I would not say this is true at all as in the classroom, if I have to work alone on a project, I would not be as efficient as when I am working in a group.

4. Multiple Intelligence Assessment

4.1. strengths

4.1.1. process information through logic and reasoning

4.1.2. aware of my surroundings

4.1.3. keen sense of direction on week without halls when it was my turn to navigate the water, I was the most proficient and naturally understood the rivers.

4.1.4. great motor skills and modivation

4.1.5. inspired by nature

4.2. challenges

4.2.1. not proficient in music

4.2.2. can't tell whether a note is off key

4.2.3. not very auditory I am more visual.

4.3. motivations

4.3.1. trust facts and numerical data

4.3.2. enjoy visual arts

4.3.3. enjoy sports I do in fact enjoy sports as I am a part of the Branksome Rowing Team!

4.3.4. enjoy artistic movements like dance I find this completly false. I do not enjoy dance and it is not one of my strong suits.

4.3.5. appreciate nature

4.3.6. ability to grow plants I do not find this true.