survival hand maids tale

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survival hand maids tale by Mind Map: survival hand maids tale

1. The State’s strategies for survival

1.1. The "eyes" in the town Gilead protect the government from threats, which is a secret service.

2. threats to the state survival

2.1. The Handmaids aren't aloud to have any idea of the news and what is happening outside, Gilead only want the Handmaids to belief what they tell them.

2.2. The government will kill anyone who part of the "residence movement" or anyone who looks suspicious to the guards.

3. Individuals’ strategies for survival

3.1. The Handmaids must forget there past life and there beliefs and only follow the rules of Gilead.

3.2. The handmaids mental state is

4. Threats to individuals’ survival

4.1. if the handmaids dont make a baby with the comander they will be sent to the colanies and will result in a painful death.

4.2. They Handmaids aren't aloud to talk to each other or make any form of communication as they make be an "eye".

4.3. If the handmaids don't follow the rules of there duty they will be hung to death.