1. Group communication
1.1. Yammer
1.2. Socialcast
1.3. Friendfeed
1.4. Campfire
1.5. Tgethr
1.6. Hashwork
1.7. Jaiku
1.8. Present.ly
1.9. Sharetronix
1.10. Socialwork
1.11. Status.net
1.12. Tibbr
1.13. Chatter
1.14. Convofy
1.15. Podio
1.16. Tadagraph
1.17. Qontext
1.18. OffBureau
1.19. Open Atrium
1.20. FlowDock
2. for more info about Online Collaboration Tools see Robin Good's MasterNewMedia
3. Project Management
3.1. Basecamp
3.2. GroupMindExpress
3.3. 5pm
3.4. ActiveCollab
3.5. Staction
3.6. Daptiv
3.7. Task2Gather
3.8. Planyp.us
3.9. CoMindWork
3.10. Colabolo
3.11. eLoops
3.12. ClockingIT
3.13. Klok
3.14. PieMatrix
3.15. Smartsheet
3.16. TaskPoint
3.17. ProjectManager
3.18. ProjectPlace
3.19. CollaborateCloud
3.20. ProofHub
3.21. TeamWork-Live
3.22. Wedoist
3.23. Teamwork-PM
3.24. Snipia
3.25. ProjectManager
3.26. Planio
3.27. BetterMeans
3.28. activeCollab
3.29. ProjectCurf
3.30. Freedcamp
3.31. Reverb
3.32. Unfuddle
3.33. Collabtive
3.34. VKolab
3.35. Scadaplan
3.36. Tadagraph
3.37. Flow
3.38. Binfire
3.39. Projektino
3.40. ApolloHQ
3.41. Fluff-Less
3.42. PivotalTracker
3.43. Asana
3.44. AtTask
3.45. CoHuman
3.46. Agilezen
3.47. Viadesk
3.48. Wunderkit
3.49. Trello
3.50. LumoFlow
3.51. Open Source
3.51.1. Teamlab
3.51.2. Teambox
3.51.3. Trac
3.51.4. Redmine
3.51.5. ProjectHQ
3.51.6. KForgeProject
3.51.7. ProjectPier
3.51.8. ToDoYou
3.51.9. eGroupware
3.51.10. Plancake
3.51.11. Retrospectiva
4. Collaborative Visual Reviewing
4.1. Backboard
4.2. Creately
4.3. A.nnotate
4.4. Diigo
4.5. uptogo
4.6. ReviewBasics
4.7. ConceptShare
4.8. Octopz
4.9. Textflow
4.10. inMotionNow.com
4.11. Cozimo
4.12. Workflow & Review
4.13. Friendpaste
4.14. ProofHQ
4.15. Colaab
4.16. Revizr
4.17. FuzeMeeting
4.18. Huddle.net
4.19. Oryx Editor - BPMN Community
4.20. Notable
4.21. The Commentor
4.22. Mocksup
4.23. ConceptFeedback
4.24. Pidoco
4.25. Bounce
4.26. Draftboardapp
4.27. Cageapp
4.28. Flauntkit
4.29. Conceptboard
4.30. CreationFlow
4.31. Groupzap
5. Document Sharing - Wikis
5.1. Comindwork
5.2. pbwiki
5.3. WetPaint
5.4. wikidot
5.5. mediawiki
5.6. wikispaces.com
5.6.1. for teachers
5.7. GoogleDocs
5.8. GoogleSites
5.9. Socialtext
5.10. Zoho
5.11. mindtouch Deki
5.12. etherpad
5.13. Couchit
5.14. SocialText
5.15. Database Publishing
5.15.1. blist
5.15.2. Tablefy
5.15.3. Listphile
5.15.4. Dabble DB
5.16. Document Publishing
5.16.1. Scribd
5.16.2. Issuu
5.16.3. Scribd
5.16.4. Docstoc
5.16.5. Acrobat.com
5.16.6. TXTBear
5.17. source control
5.17.1. Subversion/Tortoise
5.18. KnowledgePlaza.be
5.19. Mixedink
5.20. Microsoft SharePoint
5.21. PBWiki
5.22. Microsoft Docs
5.23. Wepapers
5.24. Sugarsync
6. WorkGrouping / Team Collaboration Workspaces
6.1. Zenbe
6.2. WizeHive
6.3. BantamLive
6.4. Broadchoice Workspace
6.4.1. dead
6.5. WebOffice
6.6. BarCamps
6.7. Edmodo.com
6.7.1. Microblogging for Education
6.8. Affinitiz.com
6.8.1. Rooms for teams + external blog
6.9. Colaab
6.10. Sosius
6.11. Deskaway
6.12. Collaber
6.13. Campfire
6.14. CentralDesktop
6.15. GroupmindExpress
6.16. Ovosuite
6.17. Clearspace
6.18. Sosius
6.19. MyNetResearch
6.20. OneDrum
6.21. Onehub
6.22. Huddle.net
6.23. Ubidesk
6.24. HyperOffice
6.25. WizeHive
6.26. TeamApart
6.27. Ubidesk
6.28. Wiggio
6.29. FMYI
6.30. Collaboroo
6.31. GlassCubes
6.32. Kablink Teaming
6.33. Incipi
6.34. Threadbox
6.35. Engage
6.36. Zcope
6.37. Sambajam
6.38. CompanyConcert
6.39. CubeTree
6.40. Obayoo
6.41. Qontext
6.42. ContactOffice
6.43. Teambox
6.44. Humanedj
6.45. EnterTheGroup
6.46. TeamLab
6.47. Kerio
6.48. Projecktino
6.49. Kickoff
6.50. OffBureau
6.51. Lumoflow
6.52. TeamWox
7. Event Scheduling
7.1. eventbrite
7.2. GCalendar
7.3. Timecenter
7.4. Timebridge
7.5. any iCal app
7.6. Chandler
7.7. Amiando
7.8. Doodle.com
7.9. Genbook
7.10. AgreeAdate
7.11. MeetWithApproval
7.12. Cvent
7.13. Tungle
7.14. Shiftboard
7.15. ScheduleOnce
7.16. Zeeyoo
7.17. Appointment-Plus
7.18. Skedgememe
7.19. Dead Pool
7.19.1. Schedgit
7.20. Meetin.gs
7.21. TimeToMeet
8. File Sharing
8.1. Microsoft Live Mesh
8.2. Filedropper.com
8.3. Filemail.com
8.4. youSendIt
8.5. drop.io
8.6. transferbigfiles.com
8.7. box.net
8.8. Dropbox
8.9. senduit
8.10. 4shared.com
8.11. Virtual desktops
8.11.1. Jooce
8.12. Clip2Net
8.13. Spider Oak
8.14. Gigashift
8.15. Filephile
8.16. KnowledgePlaza.be
8.17. Esnips.com
8.18. Rapid Share
8.19. Wuala
8.20. iFolder
8.21. CloudApp
8.22. SkyDox
9. MindMapping & Diagramming
9.1. TheBrain
9.2. Creately
9.3. MindMeister
9.4. Bubbl.us
9.5. Mind42
9.6. Mywebspiration
9.7. Spinscape
9.8. Gliffy
9.9. LucidCharts
9.10. Xmind
9.11. SpicyNodes
9.12. Creately
9.13. MindJet Catalyst
9.14. Comapping
9.15. Cacoo
9.16. ThinkFold
9.17. Mindomo
9.18. Ideatree
9.19. Edistorm
9.20. Slatebox
9.21. CoSketch
9.22. My.Origramy
10. Collaborative Writing
10.1. Buzzword
10.2. Zoho Writer
10.3. Writeboard
10.4. Google Docs
10.5. Quicktopic
10.6. SynchroEdit
10.7. Gobby
10.8. Etherpad
10.9. TextFlow
10.10. WriteWith
10.11. ThinkFold
10.12. Springloops
10.12.1. for coders
10.13. Mixedink
10.14. PrimaryPad
10.15. Wridea
10.16. TitanPad
10.17. Sync.in
10.18. Solodox
10.19. J2e
10.20. entri.co
10.21. TypeWithMe
10.22. AgileWords
10.23. Typewithme
10.24. Stypi
11. www.MasterNewMedia.org
12. Private Social Networking Platforms
12.1. Googlegroups
12.2. YahooGroups
12.3. Ning
12.4. Groupsite
12.5. grouply
12.6. SocialGo
12.7. Memberhub
12.8. Qlubb
12.9. Spruz
12.10. Grou.ps
12.11. Bigtent
12.12. meetup
12.13. Friendfeed
13. Chat
13.1. Userplane
13.2. Tinychat
13.3. CampFire
13.4. Meebo
13.5. Zoho Chat
13.6. Chatterous
13.7. Google Wave
13.8. Donutchat
13.9. ISL Pronto
13.10. 99Chats
13.11. Nurph
13.12. Hipchat
13.13. NeatChat
13.14. Stinto
13.15. Chatzi
13.16. Wireclub
13.17. BabelwithMe
13.18. DonutChat
13.19. GixawChat
13.20. TodaysMeet
13.21. Dropio Chat
13.22. Backnoise
13.23. Talker
13.24. Jitsi
13.24.1. Open Source
14. VoIP - Audio Conferencing
14.1. Skype
14.2. ooVoo
14.3. Voxox
14.4. JahJah
14.5. REBTEL
14.6. GTalk
14.7. Vyke
14.8. Gizmo5
14.9. Voxli
14.10. Voxopop
14.11. Powwownow
15. Large Audience Webinars - 100+ participants
15.1. Gatherplace
15.2. Adobe Connect Pro
15.3. GoToWebinar
15.4. iVocalize.com
15.5. HotConference.com
15.6. Wiziq
15.7. TokBox Broadcast Video Chat
15.8. DimDim Enterprise
15.9. WebEx Event Center
15.10. Freebinar
15.11. Clickwebinar
15.12. FuzeMeeting Pro
15.13. GoMeetNow
15.14. Vokle
15.15. AudioVideoConference
15.16. Slideshare Zipcast
15.17. GlobalMeet
15.17.1. screen sharing, presentations, video pro interface - $39/mo flat for up to 125 attendees
15.18. Lotus Live
15.18.1. Give a webinar using the LotusLive Events software. Features include event management tools, automated email services, integrated instant messaging, mobile access, and live polling. LotusLive Event can host meetings with up to 1,000 participants, with plans starting as low as $79 per month. For up to 15 attendees, use LotusLive Meeting at $39 per month. Free for 60 days.
15.19. Omnovia
15.20. ReadyTalk
15.21. Yugma
15.22. Microsoft Live Meeting
15.23. MeetingBurner
15.24. YourOfficeAnywhere
15.24.1. up to 200 participants
15.25. AnyMeeting
15.25.1. up to 200 participants
15.26. BigMarker
15.26.1. free
15.27. StartMeeting
16. Video Conferencing
16.1. Video-Chat
16.1.1. Gchat
16.1.2. Rounds
16.2. VuRoom (Acquired by Polycom)
16.3. TokBox
16.4. Oovoo
16.5. Sightspeed
16.6. VSee
16.7. Mebeam Dead
16.8. Flashmeeting
16.9. EyeJot
16.10. DoVisio
16.10.1. web-based free
16.11. APideo
16.11.1. Apideo is an API that lets you embed live video streams and manage events on your website.
16.12. XyKast
16.12.1. SW-mac/pc/linux FREE
16.13. Palbee Dead
16.13.1. RIP
16.14. Scopia Desktop
16.14.1. Free Trial
16.15. Persony Dead
16.16. InstantPresenter
16.17. Tinychat
16.18. HP SkyRoom Dead
16.19. Wetoku Dead
16.20. VisionKontakt Dead
16.20.1. FREE - web-based
16.21. ViVu Acquire Policom
16.22. Zorap Dead
16.22.1. dead
16.23. Mirial ClearSea
16.24. eMeetPlus
16.25. Glide
16.26. Thinsy Dead
16.26.1. FREE Win
16.27. Ekiga
16.27.1. Open-Source
16.28. Chatride Dead
16.29. Meeting24 Dead
16.30. Goober
16.31. Skype
16.32. AttendAnywhere
16.33. iWowWe
16.34. ViVicom-ViFree Dead
16.35. LiveCage Dead
16.36. Nefsis
16.37. VideoPort (Acquired by TrueConf)
16.38. Auralink
16.39. Faceflow
16.40. Q-Next
16.41. Sifonr
16.42. SocialEyes Dead
16.43. NetConference
16.44. Worldvuer
16.45. iMeet
16.46. Vidquik
16.46.1. one-to-one
16.47. Vidtel
16.47.1. cloud-based
16.47.2. no free trial - no public pricing
16.48. Dozeo
16.49. SimpleMeetup
17. Instant Messaging
17.1. Skype
17.2. AOL IM
17.3. Meebo
17.4. eBuddy
17.5. Yahoo Messenger
17.6. Google chat and video
17.7. ICQ
17.8. Windows Live Messenger
17.9. Jabber
17.10. BigAnt
17.11. Q-Next
17.11.1. Software PC, Mac, Linux
18. Screen-Sharing
18.1. GoToMeeting
18.2. eBLVD
18.3. ConnectNow
18.4. Microsoft Shared View Dead
18.5. Yuuguu
18.6. WebExNow
18.7. LiveLook
18.8. Vyew
18.9. Crossloop
18.10. Glance Dead
18.11. Yugma
18.12. Teamviewer
18.13. BeamYourScreen
18.14. Remote Desktop / Control
18.14.1. GoToAssist
18.14.2. RealVNC
18.14.3. GoToMyPC
18.14.4. logmein
18.14.5. Teamviewer
18.14.6. TightVNC
18.14.7. LiveLook CoBrowsing
18.14.8. Proxy Pro6
18.14.9. Skyfex
18.14.10. Techinline
18.14.11. ScreenConnect
18.14.12. IminTouch
18.14.13. ISL Light
18.14.14. SupportSmith
18.14.15. ScreenConnect PC software
18.14.16. Banckle
18.14.17. Chrome Remote Desktop
18.14.18. CoPilot
18.15. Acrobat.com
18.16. Netviewer
18.17. Mikogo
18.18. Gogrok Dead
18.19. PocketMeeting Dead
18.20. Oneeko (Skype plugin)
18.21. Present.io Dead
18.22. ShowDocument
18.23. Dynno Dead
18.24. SaviiDesk Dead
18.25. Join.me
18.26. Micemeeting Dead
18.27. FreeScreenSharing
18.28. YamLabs
19. Web Conferencing
19.1. WebEx
19.2. Elluminate
19.3. Wimba Classroom
19.4. DigitalSamba (free for 3)
19.5. Centra
19.6. Elluminate VRoom (free for 3)
19.7. Adobe Connect Now (free for 3)
19.8. WebTrain (free for 2)
19.9. iVocalize
19.10. DimDim (free for up to 20 people)
19.11. Spreed
19.12. WebHuddle
19.13. Convenos
19.14. Zoho Meeting
19.15. Acrobat.com
19.16. OpenHuddle
19.17. Microsoft Live Meeting
19.18. iLinc
19.19. Netspoke
19.20. Genesys
19.21. Omnovia
19.22. ReadyTalk
19.23. e-Lecta
19.24. Hypermeeting
19.25. Live Conference PRO.com
19.26. Expressway Flexchat
19.27. WebConference.com
19.28. DoConference
19.29. Nefsis
19.30. OpenMeetings
19.31. vMukti MeetingPlace
19.32. OpenConference
19.33. Wiggio
19.34. VeriShow
19.35. ISL Groop
19.36. Kablink Conferencing
19.37. BigBlueButton
19.37.1. open-source
19.37.2. Mac, PC, Unix
19.38. IBM Lotus LiveEngage
19.39. Sococo
19.40. OpenMeetings
19.41. TeamApart
19.42. FlashMeeting
19.43. Visionkontact
19.44. InnerPass
19.44.1. works with Skype
19.45. ImInTouch-Meeting
19.46. Formeeting
19.47. Sococo
19.48. GVOConference
19.48.1. spammy MLM
19.49. Wiggio
19.50. Clickmeeting
19.51. Banckle
19.52. GoMeetNow
19.53. Digitell
19.54. BigMarker
19.55. AffordableWebMeetings
19.56. NetConference
19.57. Apptix
19.58. GlobalMeet
19.58.1. screen sharing, presentations, video pro interface - $39/mo flat for up to 125 attendees
19.59. Megameeting
19.60. LiveMinutes
19.61. FreeScreenSharing
19.62. AnyMeeting
20. Co-browsing
20.1. Clavardon
20.2. Holoday
20.3. PageShare
20.4. Showdocument
20.5. Wizlite - Page highlighting
20.5.1. asynchronous
20.6. Twiddla
20.7. Go-Instant
21. Web Presenting
21.1. Slideshare
21.2. Slidestaxx
21.3. SlideShare Zipcast
21.4. SlideRocket
21.5. woices.com
21.6. PresenterNet.com
21.7. InstantPresenter
21.8. Vcasmo
21.9. 280 Slides
21.10. Livemeetups
21.11. Freepath
21.12. Mightymeeting
21.12.1. supports iPhone/iPad
21.13. ZohoShow
21.14. Multimedia Presentations
21.14.1. Vuvox
21.14.2. Animoto
21.14.3. OneTrueMedia
21.14.4. Scrapblog
21.14.5. bubbleshare
21.14.6. Voice Thread
21.14.7. Zentation
21.14.8. Present.io
21.14.9. ProjectQ