EWMC Engineering & Planning

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EWMC Engineering & Planning por Mind Map: EWMC Engineering & Planning

1. In-House Engineering

1.1. In-house Analysis and Design

1.2. Support Strategic Initiatives

1.3. Technical Analysis / Implementation

1.4. Review Consultant Reports/Codes

2. Project Management

2.1. Project Planning and Prioritization

2.2. Business case development

2.3. Analysis and Selection of Delivery Option (IIS/WS/Suez)

2.4. PDDM documentation and support (for IIS projects)

2.5. Procurement (for internal design & delivery)

2.6. Contract Managment

2.7. QA/QC

3. Branch Support

3.1. SWPS and Collections Operations Support

3.2. Service Procurement

3.3. BI Support

3.4. Analytical & Technical Support

3.5. Operational Projects

4. Safety

4.1. Regulatory Compliance

4.2. MOC (Plant Change Management)

4.3. Engineering Controls

4.4. Safety Operations Limits

5. Engineering & Planning Resource Structure

6. Process Efficiency and Improvement

6.1. Database Management

6.2. Optimization

6.3. Data Analysis

6.4. Process Mapping, Simulation

7. Long Range Planning

7.1. Integrated Resource Plan

7.2. Business Case Development

7.3. Capital Project Planning

7.4. Technology Advancement Research

8. Knowledge Management

8.1. Engineering Reports

8.2. Engineering Standards

8.3. Drawing and Model Management

8.4. Process Knowledge

8.5. Managment Of Change

8.6. Strucutral Integrity

8.7. Electrical & Mechanical Integrity

9. Process Management

9.1. Process Improvement / Optimization

9.2. Process Design, Modification & Control

9.3. Process Life Cycle Management

9.4. Standard Operating Procedures

9.5. Regulatory Compliance