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1. Learner characteristics

1.1. Digital natives

1.1.1. Prefer authentic learning experiences

1.1.2. Prefer doing

1.2. Digital immigrants

2. Emotional valence & curiosity

3. Forgetting processes

3.1. Interference

3.1.1. Retroactive

3.1.2. Proactive

4. Memory building processes

4.1. 1.Motivated interest

4.2. 2.Selectivity

4.3. 3. Intention to remember

4.4. 4. Basic background

4.5. 5. Meaningful organization

4.6. 6. Recitation

4.7. 7. Consolidation

4.8. 8. Distributed practice

5. Type

5.1. Domain-specific

5.2. General

5.3. Strategic

6. Acquisition

6.1. Encoding

6.2. Proceduralization

6.3. Composition

7. Learner processes

8. Knowledge


10. Behaviourism

11. Cognitivism

12. constructivism

13. Learning approches

14. Structure

14.1. Holistic

14.2. Atomisitc

15. Meaning

15.1. Deep

15.2. Surface

16. Meaning and purpose

17. Goals

18. Active engagement & visual learning

19. Pausing, processing, categorizing & clustering

20. Practice, rehearsal and reflection

21. Personal meaning and mastery

22. Metacognition & self-regulatory strategies

23. Motivation

23.1. Value

23.2. Expectancy

24. Expectancy components

24.1. Self-efficacy beliefs

24.2. Control beliefs

25. Value components

25.1. Goal orientation beliefs

25.2. Task value beliefs


27. Technology

28. Learning communities

28.1. Collaborative Learning

29. social constructivism

30. Articles color key

30.1. Glover 1990

30.2. Meyer 1992

30.3. Ertmer & Newby 2008

30.4. Ertmer & Newby update 2013

30.5. Ramsden Chapter 4 2003

30.6. Ramsden Chapter 7 2003

30.7. Pauk Forgetting 1974

30.8. Pauk Building memory 1974

30.9. Goodwin 2018

30.10. Powell 2009

30.11. Pintricht 2009

31. cognitive constructivism

32. Approaches to teaching

32.1. Theory 1

32.2. Theory 2

32.3. Theory 3