Creating an Inclusive Library Learning Commons

LLC and Inclusion

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Creating an Inclusive Library Learning Commons by Mind Map: Creating an Inclusive Library Learning Commons

1. Supporting Special Needs Students

1.1. Analyzing the demographics and achievement of the school to vary book collection

1.2. Build a toolbox of instructional strategies

1.3. Develop long range plans to support various student neds

1.4. Create budget proposals to consider the needs of students

1.5. Scaffold: graphic organizers, question or thought prompts, student contracts and checklists, and assessment tools

2. School Improvement and LLC

2.1. Develop a committee to help create a plan to make the library accessible to various students while updating the library collection and technology

2.1.1. Approach administration with a plan to renovate the library and have a plan that is linked with the library budget Gather evidence of successes with library programs to start new initiatives to support students in the school.

3. Diverse Library Collection

3.1. Online databases and Encyclopedias

3.2. Vision Aware

3.3. E-Books

3.4. Audio Books

3.5. Assistive Technology-E-readers

3.6. Variety of varying levels of books

3.7. Build a collection that reflects and enhances the school demographics

3.7.1. Build a collection that reflects the various learning levels of learning, abilities, LGBTQ, and ELL students. Find books with realistic characters

4. Supporting English Language Learners

4.1. Bilingual/Foreign Language material including curriculum material translated

4.2. Ensure content is available on various countries of origin

4.3. Explain new cultural traditions before they happen

4.4. Story Time: Use visuals, props and make it interactive

4.4.1. Provide background information on new words during story time or lesson instructions

4.5. Have audio recordings and translations

4.6. Cary dual language texts in the library collection

5. 21st Century Learning and Teaching

5.1. Library Virtual Collection

5.1.1. Online Databases:Britannica Schools Britannica Schools uses enlarged text, translations, and read alouds functions to help students with vision disabilities, learning disabilities or ELLs.

5.2. Student Product Work:Teaching students how to use multimedia to vary how they present their work

5.2.1. Introducing students to a range of effective presentation types (video song parody, photo essay, skit, interactive game, etc.).

5.2.2. Providing students with a range of Web 2.0 tools to present their work: Glogster,Weebly, DoInk, iMovie, etc.

5.2.3. Student work blogs

5.3. Creating Multiple Means of Engagement:

5.3.1. Creating STEM and Maker Spaces

5.4. Library Webpage

5.4.1. Supporting students search and homework inquiries through the library homepage

5.5. Assistive Technology

5.5.1. Install Google Read and Write on all iPads, laptops and desktops. Install text to speech, graphic organizers and word prediction software

6. Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces

6.1. Physical Space: Create a layout for supportive groupings of students to do their process work

6.1.1. Study rooms

6.1.2. Comfortable seating in the library for discussions and reading/learning buddy sessions

6.1.3. Open floor plan for group discussions Flexible open spaces for drama, circle activities and presentations

6.1.4. Creating quiet work spaces

6.2. Virtual Space: Supportive online groupings for students for process work

6.2.1. Book clubs-both face to face and virtual

6.2.2. E-projects

6.2.3. Google Hangout: Virtual discussions of group work Designing virtual spaces for study and support

6.3. Physical space to accomodate various patron abilities

6.3.1. Furniture: Bar-like stools that provided stability, soft couch-like sectionals, upright chairs with arms, and active seating

6.3.2. Universal Design ramps

6.3.3. Lower level door handles for small children and individuals with disabilities

6.3.4. Flexible Space and technology: Furniture and chromebooks instead of desktops

7. References:

7.1. Anonymous. (2016, February 12). 10 Ways to Support ELLs in the School Library. Retrieved February 20, 2019, from 10 Ways to Support ELLs in the School Library

7.1.1. Koechlin, C., & Zwaan, S. (2008, November 28). Everyone Wins: Differentiation in the School Library. Retrieved February 21, 2019, from Spina, C. (2017, May 7). How Universal Design Will Make Your Library More Inclusive. Retrieved February 21, 2019, from School Library Journal