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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Open

1.1. What are the four steps in the plant life cycle?

1.2. What is a life cycle?

2. Guiding

2.1. What happens after the seed is planted?

2.2. What are the things a plants needs to complete it's life cycle?

3. Summative

3.1. Definition

3.2. Examples

4. Performance

4.1. Definition

4.2. Examples

5. Diagnostic

5.1. Definition

5.2. Examples

6. H.O.T Questions

7. Closed

7.1. Create a diagram showing the life cycle of a plant?

7.2. Plant a bean and keep a journal tracking it's journey through the life cycle.

8. Formative

8.1. Examples

8.2. Definition

9. Interim/Benchmark

9.1. Definition

9.2. Examples