HIP Week

A mindmap of ideas surrounding HIP Week

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HIP Week by Mind Map: HIP Week

1. Food

1.1. Breakfast at each site / $5 gc for remote staff

1.2. Snack mid-week

2. Prizes

2.1. iPADs?

2.2. HIP Week Prize Packs (AHIMA.org) for each site and remote staff

2.2.1. 1 HIP Week Pack for each site + Remote

2.2.2. 3 posters, 2 buttons, 2 balloons

2.3. Currently researching

3. Remote Staff

3.1. Online $5 gift cards for remote staff (GiftBit)

3.2. Webcast Learning Lunches

3.3. Online raffle(s) for prizes

4. Easy wins

4.1. WebEx/Video Conferencing

4.2. Site by site or all-group all the time

4.3. Self-serve online "raffles" - staff put own names in to raffle for items they want

5. Physician/Staff recognition?

6. Budget $4,000 - 5,000

6.1. Spreadsheet created:

7. Staff involvement

7.1. Teaching week rather than a giveaway week

7.1.1. No all-staff giveaway

7.2. Newsletter

7.3. Manager Learning Lunches

7.3.1. 1)

7.3.2. 2)

7.4. Photo contest

7.5. Games

7.5.1. Crossword Puzzle

7.5.2. Team Game (Jeopardy?) Kahoot.it Ask Managers and Supervisors for questions on their areas while playing, phone cannot refresh

8. Total People Per Site:

8.1. Medical Center: 34

8.2. Remote: 88

8.3. Torrance: 53

8.4. Wilshire: 28