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Backend by Mind Map: Backend

1. XL

1.1. Web

1.1.1. assets

1.1.2. GIS api: update getlayers to query web layers only. 0.25d

1.1.3. Search bar GIS api: get assets, filter by geocode, kmfrom, kmto. 0.5d

1.1.4. performance dashboard

1.1.5. performance-line availability

1.1.6. performance-interuption

1.1.7. maintenance overview

1.1.8. maintenance table/ticket information

1.1.9. maintenance ticket workflow

1.2. Mobile

1.2.1. Login

1.2.2. View GIS api: get all available workgroups 0.5d

1.2.3. Location Update api: update user location. 0.25d api: update user availability. 0.25d

1.2.4. Accept/Decline ticket

1.2.5. View/swap layers api: get mobile layers. 0.25d

1.2.6. View/swap basemap

1.2.7. ticket workflow api: update ticket status 1d api: get user's tickets. 0.25d api: update ticket. 0.5d api: get ticket's related tickets. 0.25d api: get ticket's maintenance orders. 0.25d api: get ticket's possible options. 0.25d api: update ticket's conclusion/options/comments. 0.25d

1.2.8. force update api: get version information from app configuration 0.5d

1.2.9. crashalytics

2. CoreApi

2.1. users

2.1.1. api: get users, filter by availability, type. support includeSpecialities in query string. 0.5d

2.2. assets

2.2.1. api: update getlayers to filter isMobile or isWeb. 0.5d

2.3. tickets

2.3.1. api: update ticket status. 3d

2.3.2. api: get tickets, filter by assignee, status, closed date. 0.5d

2.3.3. api: update ticket: including risks. 1d

2.3.4. api: get ticket's related tickets. 0.5d

2.3.5. api: get ticket's maintenance orders. 0.5d

2.3.6. api: get ticket's possible options 0.5d

2.4. performance

2.4.1. line availability api: get current or last 7day kpi. 0.5d api: algorithm: calculate the kpi. 2d

2.4.2. interuption api: get current or last 7day kpi. 0.5d algorithm: calculate the kpi. 2d

2.4.3. speed restriction api: get current or last 7day kpi. 0.5d algorithm: calculate the kpi. 2d

2.5. common

2.5.1. infra: combine dbup script. 0.5d

3. DB

3.1. assets

3.1.1. table: add a column "IsMobile", "IsWeb" to WR_GisLayer. 0.25d

3.1.2. import: new asset category. 0.5d

3.2. tickets

3.2.1. data: data seed for Ticket Options. 0.25d

3.2.2. data: data seed for Ticket Status. 0.25d

3.2.3. data: data seed for Ticket Priority. 0.125d

3.2.4. Q: data seed for Ticket Options

3.2.5. Q: Ticket options are for asset types, or for contracts? or for clients?

3.2.6. Q: data seed for Ticket Status

3.2.7. Q: data seed for Ticket Priority

3.3. users

3.4. clients

3.4.1. data: data seed for user specialities. 0.25d

3.4.2. Q: data seed for user specialities

4. Env

4.1. Uat

4.1.1. op: Auth0 setup. 0.25d

4.1.2. op: Gateway setup. 0.25d

4.1.3. op: domain setup. 0.25d

4.1.4. op: Db setup and data import. 0.5d

4.1.5. op: update appsettings and Key vault. 0.25d

4.2. Production

4.2.1. op: Auth0 setup. 0.25d

4.2.2. op: Gateway setup. 0.25d

4.2.3. op: domain setup. 0.25d

4.2.4. op: Db setup and data import. 0.5d

4.2.5. op: update appsettings and Key vault. 0.25d